All Sessions
IPS000: ISI President's Invited Speaker
World Bank goals on eliminating extreme poverty & boosting shared prosperity: Implications for data and policyKaushik Basu Abstract Video
IPS001: Probabilistic and statistical contributions in climate research
Modelling of extreme rainfall in space and timeAnthony C. Davison, R. Huser Abstract A multi-site hourly precipitation weather generator based on a frailty-contagion approachErwan Koch Abstract
IPS002: Improving health statistics in the context of measuring quality of life
The role of statistics on health status in the context of measuring QoLJennifer Madans Abstract Paper Selecting indicators for the health dimension in measuring QoLMichael Wolfson Abstract Methods and materials of health expectancyYasuhiko Saito Abstract The role of HIS/HES/DIS for measuring the health dimensionMika Gissler, Antti Tuomi-Nikula Abstract Paper
IPS003: Statistical challenges for the analysis of social networks
Estimating network degree distributions from sampled networks: An inverse problemEric D. Kolaczyk, Yaonan Zhang, Bruce D. Spencer Abstract Community detection and learning in social networksEmmanuel Viennet Abstract Perpendicular latent space models for multiview network dataTyler H. McCormick, Michael Salter-Townshend Abstract
IPS004: New developments in multilevel model inference from complex sample survey data
Empirical bias corrections for fitting multilevel models under informative samplingSolange Correa Onel, Danny Pfeffermann Abstract Paper Multivariate hierarchical normal modelling under informative samplingPedro Luis do Nascimento Silva, Fernando Antonio Da Silva Moura Abstract Paper A composite likelihood approach to analysis of survey data with sampling weights incorporated under two-level modelsGrace Y. Yi, J.N.K. Rao, Haocheng Li Abstract Paper
IPS005: Issues related to major redesigns in national statistical offices
Issues related to major redesigns in national statistical officesPeter Morrison Abstract Paper Redesign in a statistical office - Sociodemographic statistics in the Office for National StatisticsPaul A. Smith Abstract Paper Innovations in Australia’s social statistics information programGemma Van Halderen, Eric Morris Abstract Paper Design and implementation of the Integrated Business Survey in ChinaXiuhua Tian Abstract Paper
IPS006: Statistical methods in the study of palaeoclimate
Paleoclimate reconstruction using statistical nonlinear forward modelsPeter F. Craigmile, Martin P. Tingley, Jiangyong Yin Abstract Paper Bayesian palaeoclimate inference from pollen in Southern ItalyAndrew C. Parnell, James Sweeney, Thinh K. Doan, Michael Salter-Townshend, Judy R.M. Allen, Brian Huntley, John Haslett Abstract Paper
IPS007: Improving agricultural statistics through methodological validation and research
From Guesstimates to GPStimates: Land area measurement and implications for agricultural analysisCalogero Carletto, Sydney Gourlay, Paul Winters Abstract Assessing the effect of slope and weather conditions on area measurement using GPSNaman Keita Abstract Missing(ness) in action: Selectivity bias in GPS-based land area measurementsTalip Kilic, Alberto Zezza, Calogero Carletto, Sara Savastano Abstract Paper Milking the data: Measuring household milk production in extensive livestock systems. Experimental evidence from NigerAlberto Zezza, Giovanni Federighi, Calogero Carletto Abstract
IPS008: History I: Jacob Bernoulli's Ars Conjectandi and the emergence of probability
Jacob Bernoulli and the founding of mathematical probabilityEdith Dudley Sylla Abstract Paper Statistics and philosophy of probability - Six degrees of separationKrzysztof Burdzy Abstract An overview of Monte Carlo methods, from importance sampling to MCMC, to ABCChristian P. Robert Abstract
IPS009: IAOS forum - A panel discussion on new challenges facing official statistics
Panel discussionCarmelita Nuguid Ericta Abstract Panel discussionWalter Josef Radermacher Abstract
IPS010: Statistics of extremes and re-sampling methodologies
Bridging centrality and extremity: Refining empirical data depth using extreme value theoryRegina Liu, John Einmahl, Jun Li Abstract The role of bootstrap methodologies in the estimation of a negative extreme value indexFrederico Caeiro, M. Ivette Gomes Abstract Paper
IPS011: Chronological text mining
A system for temporally-sliced correspondence analysis visualizationBojana Dalbelo Baši?, Artur Šili?, Annie Morin, Jean-Hugues Chauchat Abstract Dynamic of a speech: Tracking the discursive strategyMónica Bécue-Bertaut Abstract CAText, interactive exploration of chronological text corporaNguyen-Khang Pham, Annie Morin Abstract Use of statistical testing for determining the values of parameters for an unsupervised feature construction algorithmMarian-Andrei Rizoiu, Julien Velcin, Stéphane Lallich Abstract
IPS012: Statistical methods for identification of biosignatures of treatment response
HORSES: Hexagonal Operator for Regression with Shrinkage and Equality SelectionJohan Lim, Woncheol Jang, Nicole Lazar, Ji Meng Loh Abstract Paper Canonical k-means clustering for functional dataThaddeus Tarpey, Eva Petkova Abstract Paper Modeling strategies for developing treatment response indicesEva Petkova, Zhe Su Abstract Paper Model selection criteria based on computationally intensive estimators of the expected optimismJoseph E. Cavanaugh, Andrew A. Neath Abstract Paper
IPS013: Applications on modeling time correlated count processes
Modelling the total loss distribution based on dependent operational risk frequency countsClaudia Czado, Eike C. Brechmann, Sandra Paterlini Abstract Hierarchical Bayesian spatio-temporal Conway-Maxwell Poisson models with dynamic dispersionScott H. Holan, Guohui Wu, Christopher K. Wikle Abstract On a threshold autoregressionWai Keung Li Abstract
IPS015: Statistics for protein structure prediction and protein interaction
Introduction to proteomics and the statistical aspects of protein researchMichael G. Schimek, Kanti V. Mardia Abstract Bayesian parameter estimation for protein contact potentialsScott C. Schmidler, Xiang Zhou Abstract A Bayesian model for protein secondary structure predictionDavid B. Dahl, Qiwei Li, Marina Vannucci, Hyun Joo, Jerry W. Tsai Abstract Paper Combining the multicanonical ensemble with generative probabilistic models of local biomolecular structureJes Frellsen, Thomas Hamelryck, Jesper Ferkinghoff-Borg Abstract Paper
IPS016: Statistical and stochastic analysis of jumps in insurance
Some statistical estimation problems in ruin theorySusan M. Pitts Abstract Paper On statistical inference for Levy-driven modelsHiroki Masuda Abstract On the optimal dividend problem for jump-diffusions under fixed transaction costsJostein Paulsen Abstract
IPS017: Crime and statistics: A dangerous liaison? Issues, challenges and future directions
The impact of victimisation on the daily activities of South Africans - A case study of the 2011 Victims of Crime SurveyPali Lehohla Abstract Paper The evolving role of self-report surveys of criminal victimization in a system of statistics on crime and the administration of justiceJames Patrick Lynch Abstract Paper Quantification of losses caused by delinquency in EcuadorYannira Chávez, Paul Medina, Patricia Cortez Abstract Paper To measure or not to measure. The Mexican caseMario Palma Rojo Abstract Paper Using kernel methods to visualise crime dataKieran Martin, Martin Ralphs Abstract Paper
IPS018: Discrete choice experiments
Incorporating analyst uncertainty in model specification and respondent processing strategies into efficient designs for logit modelsJohn M. Rose, Michiel C.J. Bliemer Abstract Design and analysis of discrete choice experiments for models with response timeWilliam Li, Stefano Barone, Alberto Lombardo, Deqiang Zou Abstract Designing for attribute-level best-worst choice experimentsDeborah J. Street, Stephanie Knox Abstract Paper
IPS019: Sources of influence in developing statistical literacy
Statistical literacy and multivariate thinkingJames Robert Nicholson, Jim Ridgway, Sean McCusker Abstract Connected worlds: Statistical literacy in art, science, public health and social issuesNeil Lutsky Abstract Emerging trends in data visualisation: Implications for producers of official statisticsAlan Smith Abstract Paper
IPS020: Model-assisted approaches to combining information from different surveys (survey data integration)
Estimation of totals and regression parameters by combining data from independent surveysJ.N.K. Rao, Jae Kwang Kim Abstract Paper Improved estimation for June Area Survey incorporating several informationZhengyuan Zhu, Jae Kwang Kim, Shu Yang Abstract Paper Composite calibration estimation integrating data from different surveysTakis Merkouris Abstract Paper
IPS021: Statistical reasoning in law
Evidence evaluation for multivariate discrete dataColin G.G. Aitken, Erica Gold Abstract Paper Evaluation of forensic evidence in DNA mixture using RMNEFan Xia, Wing K. Fung, Yuk-Ka Chung Abstract Paper Statistical issues in the measure of accuracy of narcotics dogs and their implications in legal casesJoseph L. Gastwirth Abstract
IPS022: Quantile regression - Recent development of theory and applications
Variable selection in high-dimensional quantile varying coefficient modelsYanlin Tang, Huixia Judy Wang Abstract Self-consistent estimation of censored quantile regressionLimin Peng Abstract Estimation and testing of varying coefficients in quantile regressionXingdong Feng, Liping Zhu Abstract
IPS023: Modernisation of business statistics
Identical variables in different business and trade-related statistics - A challenge for European statisticsJoachim Weisbrod, Mirjam Weber, Bjoern Witting Abstract Paper Building the statistical data warehouse to improve statisticsHarry Goossens Paper Revision project of the business register and business statistics in FinlandSami Saarikivi Abstract Paper
IPS024: Survey sampling: Advanced approaches in computational statistics
Robust inference in two-phase sampling designs with application to unit nonresponseDavid Haziza, Jean-François Beaumont, Cyril Favre-Martinoz Abstract Paper Spatial network sampling in small area estimationMonica Pratesi, Roberto Benedetti, Stefano Marchetti, Federica Piersimoni Abstract Paper Doubly balanced spatial sampling with spreading and restitution of auxiliary totalsYves Tillé, Anton Grafström Abstract Paper
IPS026: Statistical methods for analyzing financial data
Matching quantiles estimation and selecting representative portfoliosQiwei Yao, Nikolaos Sgouropoulos, Claudia Yastremiz Abstract Sparse vector autoregressive modelingRichard A. Davis, Pengfei Zang, Tian Zheng Abstract Fast estimation of multiple-regime threshold autoregressive modelChun Yip Yau, Chong Man Tang Abstract
IPS027: Administrative censuses: Approaches when national population registers are not complete, or not available
The new register-based census of Germany - A multiple source mixed mode approachSabine Bechtold Abstract Paper Beyond 2011 - A new paradigm for population statistics?Peter Benton, Andy Teague, Alistair Calder, Jane Naylor Abstract Paper A Bayesian method for deriving population statistics from multiple imperfect data sourcesJohn Bryant, Patrick Graham Abstract Paper
IPS028: Distributional inferences in statistics
Inference distributions for a parameter: Are they calibrated?D.A.S. Fraser Abstract Integrating confidence intervals, likelihoods and confidence distributionsTore Schweder, Nils Lid Hjort Abstract Paper Dempster-Shafer recombination of confidence distributionsJan Hannig, Min-ge Xie Abstract
IPS029: New advances in the design and analysis of experiments
A particle filter approach to Bayesian sequential design with a focus on model discriminationJames M. McGree, C.C. Drovandi, A.N. Pettitt Abstract Analysis of computer experiments with qualitative and quantitative factorsChunfang Devon Lin, Xinwei Deng Abstract
IPS030: Inference for high dimensional data with low sample size
Effective PCA for high-dimensional data and its applicationsMakoto Aoshima, Kazuyoshi Yata Abstract A unified optimization framework for regularized multivariate analysisGenevera I. Allen Abstract Some inference problems for the spiked covariance matrix in the high dimensional contextAddy Bolivar-Cime, Victor Perez-Abreu Abstract General consistency results of PCA in high dimensionSungkyu Jung Abstract
IPS031: Computing in R with large data
The YUIMA project: A computational framework for simulation and inference of stochastic differential equationsStefano M. Iacus Abstract Paper Parspatstat: An R package for large-scale spatial analysis with parallel computingHao Yu, Jonathan S.W. Lee, Reg J. Kulperger Abstract Paper Distributed parallel clustering in R with large dataGeorge Ostrouchov, Wei-Chen Chen Abstract
IPS032: Building on foundation courses in statistics for client disciplines
Challenging the state of the art in post-introductory statistics: Preparation, concepts, and pedagogyNathan L. Tintle, Beth Chance, George Cobb, Allan Rossman, Soma Roy, Todd Swanson, Jill VanderStoep Abstract Paper Applied statistics for forensic psychology studentsDenny H. Meyer, Brian Phillips, Joanna Dipnall Abstract Lessons from advanced statistics workshops for researchers in other disciplinesJohn Andrew Harraway Abstract Paper
IPS033: Matrix sampling, split-questionnaire: Design and estimation
Split questionnaire designs: Are they an efficient design choice?David Steel, James O. Chipperfield, Margo L. Barr Abstract Paper Split questionnaire design for massive surveysFeray Adiguzel, Michel Wedel Abstract Paper Split questionnaire design for panel surveysTrivellore Eachambadi Raghunathan Abstract Integration of matrix sampling and multiple-frame methodologyJohn L. Eltinge Abstract Paper
IPS034: Applied stochastic models in Business and Industry journal session
Component-based predictive and exploratory path modeling and multi-block data analysisVincenzo Esposito Vinzi, Laura Trinchera Abstract Paper
IPS035: Advances in generalized linear and nonlinear mixed model with environmental applications
Poisson nonlinear mixed models for dose-response curve dataYanan Fan, R. Ma Abstract Error controls in multiple testing under dependenceYoungjo Lee, Donghwan Lee Abstract Analysis of water quality data using generalized linear model with multivariate non-normal random effectsAbdel El-Shaarawi Abstract
IPS036: History II: Pierre Remond de Montmort, Thomas Bayes, and probability in China
Après 1713: Bernoulli, Montmort et WaldegraveDavid R. Bellhouse Abstract A conjecture on why Bayes did not send off his essayKai Wang Ng Abstract Transmission of probability theory into ChinaMan Keung Siu, Ko Wei Lih Abstract Paper
IPS037: Dependence in extremes
Estimation of the marginal expected shortfall: The mean when a related variable is extremeJohn H.J. Einmahl, Juan-Juan Cai, Laurens De Haan, Chen Zhou Abstract Large deviations for empirical measures arising in importance samplingHenrik Hult, Pierre Nyquist Abstract The art of seeking hidden risksSidney I. Resnick Abstract Hidden regular variation: Fine-tuning risk assessmentBikramjit Das, Abhimanyu Mitra, Sidney Resnick Abstract
IPS038: Time use surveys - Experiences and perspectives for the future
German Time Use Survey 2012/13Anette Stuckemeier, Carola Kühnen Abstract Paper Experiences with the light-version time diary in FinlandHannu Pääkkönen Abstract Paper Efforts to understand and improve response to the American Time Use SurveyRachel Krantz-Kent Abstract Paper Collecting measures of subjective well-being in time use surveysLayla Ricroch Abstract Paper
IPS040: Megaclasses in statistics education: A 360 degrees view
Thirty five years of mega classes and still evolvingJessica Utts Abstract Learning statistics in an Australian mega-class - The view from students, lecturers and researchersPeter Petocz Abstract Paper Dealing with megaclasses in an online environmentKay Lipson Abstract Paper Megaclasses in statistics education: Establishing a research framework in a complex domainIrena Ograjenšek, Iddo Gal Abstract Paper
IPS041: Rankings, use of ranks, and survey sampling
An overview of some concepts for potential use in ranking populations based on sample survey dataTommy Wright, Martin Klein, Jerzy Wieczorek Paper Ranking methods that address explicit goalsThomas A. Louis Abstract Paper Ranking methods for high-dimensional dataPeter Gavin Hall Abstract
IPS042: Recent advances in failure time data analysis
Joint analysis of bivariate longitudinal ordinal outcomes and competing risks survival times with nonparametric distributions for random effectsNing Li, Robert M. Elashoff, Gang Li, Chi-Hong Tseng Abstract Quantile regression in varying-coefficient models under length-biased sampling with right censoringYong Zhou, Xuerong Chen, Alan T.K. Wan Abstract Testing mark-specific vaccine efficacy with missing marksYanqing Sun, Peter B. Gilbert Abstract Paper Estimating dependence in multivariate competing risks dataThomas H. Scheike Abstract
IPS043: Measuring the real size of the world economy: Methodological and quality improvements of the International Comparison Program (ICP)
Improved methods to estimate PPPs for ICP 2011 and possible impact on resultsFrederic A. Vogel, Paul Konijn Abstract Paper Quality assurance framework and enhanced data validation procedures for ICP price surveysNada Hamadeh, Majed Skaini Abstract Paper GDP exhaustiveness, consistency, and methods of estimating GDP expenditure values in the context of international comparisonsChellam Palanyandy, Kyung Sam Min, Michel Mouyelo-Katoula Paper Improved PPP extrapolation approachesPaul McCarthy, Nada Hamadeh Abstract Paper
IPS044: Recent advances in nonparametric and functional data analysis
Smoothing spline modeling via adaptive bases samplingPing Ma Abstract Statistical inference for functional data via simultaneous confidence regionsLijian Yang Abstract Functional SIR and SAVE based on series expansionHeng Lian Abstract Testing for lack of fit in functional regression modelsValentin Patilea, Samuel Maistre Abstract Paper
IPS045: Strategies and structures for student engagement and ownership in statistical learning
Exam results and riots: Teaching sociology via authentic contemporary dataJim Ridgway, James Nicholson, Sean McCusker Abstract Student engagement in university statistics classes - A [recent] student's perspectiveWilliam J.M. Probert Abstract Engaging students in statistics education: Situated learning in statistics projectsPieternel S. Verhoeven Abstract Paper
IPS046: ISBIS new researchers session
Consistent cross-validation for tuning parameter selection in high-dimensional variable selectionYang Feng, Yi Yu Abstract Paper High dimensional hypothesis screening using P-value perturbationAli Shojaie, Moulinath Banerjee, George Michailidis Abstract Estimating optimal treatment regimes from a classification perspectiveBaqun Zhang Abstract
IPS047: Developing statisticians through building the profession
Comparing codes of conduct/ethics across societies, and their relevance to professional statisticiansDavid Morganstein, Daniel Levine Abstract Professional accreditation and continuing professional developmentRoeland Beerten Abstract Paper Communication about professional statisticians within and outside the profession: Key messages to key audiencesNicholas I. Fisher Abstract Paper
IPS048: Statistical methods for climate problems
Uncertainty quantification and climate model experimentsStephan R. Sain Abstract The significance of wind on the multivariate time series modelling of algal bloom dynamicsGilbert Lui, Wai Keung Li, Kenneth M.Y. Leung, Joseph H.W. Lee Abstract A framework for spatiotemporal stochastic weather simulationWilliam Kleiber Abstract
IPS049: Data visualization for youth appeal
Seeing is believing?Kate Richards, Neville Davies, Gamma Parkinson, Dominic Martignetti Abstract Paper On visualising our way around road blocksChris J. Wild Abstract Data visualisation and statistics from the futureTheodosia Prodromou Abstract Paper
IPS050: Statistical methods in new frontiers
A constrained mixed effects model based on semilinear differential equation for cell polarity signaling in tip growth of pollen tubesXinping Cui, Zhen Xiao, Nicolas Brunel, Zhenbiao Yang Abstract Empirical Bayes variable selection using iterative conditional modes/mediansDabao Zhang, Vitara Pungpapong, Min Zhang Abstract Design and analysis for computer experiments with both qualitative and quantitative variablesJianfeng Yang, Hengzhen Huang, Dennis K.J. Lin, Min-Qian Liu Abstract
IPS052: High dimensional methods for bioinformatics and genetics
Copy number haplotype inference with Hidden Markov Model and localized haplotype clusteringWen-Ping Hsieh, Yen-Jen Lin Abstract Systems biology approach to analysis of cancer heterogenietySeiya Imoto Abstract A classification method incorporating interactions among variables for high-dimensional dataMaggie Haitian Wang, Shaw-Hwa Lo, Tian Zheng, Inchi Hu Abstract
IPS053: Novel statistical designs of clinical trials
A novel rank test for bivariate outcomes where one is a surrogatePamela A. Shaw, Michael P. Fay Abstract Statistical design and data monitoring for personalized medicine interventionsBenjamin French, Jungnam Joo, Nancy L. Geller, Stephen E. Kimmel, Jonas H. Ellenberg Abstract Clinical trial designs for testing biomarker-based personalized therapiesMei-Chiung Shih, Tze Leung Lai, Philip W. Lavori, Branimir I. Sikic Abstract
IPS054: Statistical methods in genetics studies
Statistical methods for detection and analysis of copy number variationsNing Hao, Yue Selena Niu, Heping Zhang Abstract Association mapping of complex diseases: Gene-gene and gene-environment interactionsIryna Lobach Abstract Test of parent-of-origin effects in family studiesRui Feng, Yinghua Wu, Gun Ho Jang, Jose M. Ordovas, Donna Arnett Abstract Meta?analysis of correlated traits using summary statistics from GWASXiaofeng Zhu, Tao Feng Abstract
IPS055: Nonlinear financial time series modeling
COMFORT-CCClass: A common market factor non-Gaussian returns modelMarc S. Paolella, Pawel Polak Abstract Bayesian unit root test in double threshold heteroskedastic modelsCathy W.S. Chen, Shu-Yu Chen, Sangyeol Lee Abstract Subsampling Inference in threshold ARMA modelsMuyi Li, Dong Li Abstract Bayes factors for assessing dynamic quantile forecastsRichard Gerlach, Cathy W.S. Chen Abstract Paper
IPS056: Youthful science: Statistical learning in high dimensions
Low-rank approximations and weighted low-rank approximations: An application to statistical geneticsPaulo Canas Rodrigues Abstract Calibrated shrinkage ridge estimation for high dimensional data analysisEjaz S. Ahmed, Xiaoli Gao Abstract
IPS057: Statistical challenges in astronomy
Big data in observational astronomyG. Jogesh Babu Abstract Estimating the number and location of structural breaks in astrophysical source populationsThomas C.M. Lee Abstract Wavelet spectral analysis for irregularly sampled astronomical time seriesDebashis Mondal, Donald B. Percival Abstract The impact of the new astrostatistics on the development and future of statisticsJoseph M. Hilbe Abstract Paper
IPS058: Postgraduate student's session
Inferential problems for a Y-linked gene branching model with blind choiceCristina Gutiérrez Pérez, Miguel González Velasco, Rodrigo Martínez Quintana Abstract Paper Surname diversity in the UK
Fiona McElduff
Graphical augmentations to the funnel plot assess the impact of additional evidence on a meta-analysisDean Langan, Julian P.T. Higgins, Walter Gregory, Alexander J. Sutton Abstract Paper Quantifying the uncertainty of changepoints in time seriesChristopher Fu Ho Nam, John A.D. Aston Abstract A data-adaptive principal component analysisYaeji Lim, Hee-Seok Oh Abstract Paper Functional linear regression for functional response via sparse basis selectionKyunghee Han, Hyejin Shin Abstract Paper Pattern-mixture model of the Cox proportional hazards model with missing binary covariatesTae-Mi Youk, Juwon Song Abstract Paper Building location and dispersion models for experiments with nested plot structurePo-Hsu Chen, Shao-Wei Cheng Abstract Optimal sample size allocation for accelerated degradation testI-Chen Lee, Sheng-Tsaing Tseng Abstract Paper Modelling HIV progression using multistate Markov modelsTarylee Reddy, Henry Mwambi Abstract Common components to construct biplots for three mode dataDarryn Williams, Sugnet Lubbe Abstract
IPS059: Learning to teach and assess statistics at the tertiary level
Developing statistics inferential concepts in introductory coursesStephanie C. Budgett, Maxine Pfannkuch Abstract Paper Discovering profundity in what we initially thought was obvious and simpleTim Dunne, Tim Low Abstract Paper Balancing nature, nurture, experience and training in learning to teach statistics in higher educationHelen Louise MacGillivray Abstract
IPS060: Developing undergraduate curricula for statistical workplaces now and future
On broadening statistics curriculaDeborah Nolan Abstract Training undergraduates for successful employment in a changing environmentMurray Cameron, Stephen Bush Abstract Statistical curricula development at the University of Hong KongPhilip Leung Ho Yu, Wai Keung Li Abstract
IPS061: Statistical analysis in educational assessment
Statistical moderation in high stakes examinations in Hong Kong: Statistical, political and educational IssuesKit-Tai Hau Abstract Making computerized adaptive testing a diagnostic toolHua-Hua Chang Abstract Some models and procedures for cognitive diagnosis modelingJimmy de la Torre Abstract Data-driven learning of Q-matrix with applications to educational testingJingchen Liu Abstract
IPS062: Malliavin calculus and applications
Asymptotic expansion methods for stochastic processes and their applications to statistics and financeNakahiro Yoshida Abstract Stein's method with Malliavin calculusIvan Nourdin Abstract
IPS063: Network modeling in biological, computer, public health, and social sciences
Statistical models for social networksPhilippa E. Pattison, Garry L. Robins, Peng Wang Abstract Modelling and comparing protein interaction networks using subgraph countsCharlotte M. Deane, Tiago Rito, Gesine Reinert Abstract Inferring biological networks from genomics dataHongyu Zhao Abstract Utilization of neural network for disease forecastingOyas Wahyunggoro, Adhistya Erna Permanasari, Ahmad Chamsudin Abstract Paper
IPS064: The challenge from web panel surveys
Web panels for official statistics?Jelke Bethlehem, Fannie Cobben Abstract Paper A standard with quality indicators for web panel surveys: A Swedish exampleMats Nyfjäll Abstract Paper Web panel surveys – Can they be designed and used in a scientifically sound way?Jörgen Svensson Abstract Paper
IPS065: Random probability measures and their applications
Multiresolution Gaussian processesEmily B. Fox, David B. Dunson Abstract Optimal filtering and the dual processMatteo Ruggiero, Omiros Papaspiliopoulos Abstract Hitting distributions of stable processes via path censoring and self-similarityJuan Carlos Pardo Millan Abstract Convex minorants of random walks and Lévy processesGerónimo Uribe Bravo Abstract
IPS066: Careers in analytics
A career in analytics - How far do you want to go?Song Er Hiok Abstract A necessary tool and skill in bank risk management: SAS and its applications in Basel modeling labYu Yong Abstract Use analysis to make change in a traditional industryNanxiang Gao Abstract Analytic melody in bankingLong Yu Abstract Market research and analysis using the SAS systemMo Zheng Abstract
IPS068: Promoting statistics to youth through the International Statistical Literacy Project
Promoting statistics to youth through the International Statistical Literacy ProjectSharleen Denise Forbes, Pedro Campos, Reija Helenius Abstract Paper Statistics are interesting - How do we get youngsters inspired?Katri Johanna Soinne Abstract Paper Radical statistics: Teachers and students on the highwireBruno de Sousa, Dulce Gomes, Regina Bispo, Elisa Duarte Abstract Paper
IPS069: Improving statistics teaching: Bringing statisticians and educators together
New perspectives: A statistician and a statistics educator discuss the lessons learned from cross disciplinary sojournsJennifer J. Kaplan, Vincent Melfi Abstract Paper Good practice in using statistics in statistics education researchGemma Parkinson, Neville Davies Abstract Paper Working together to improve statistics education: A research collaboration case studyMaxine Pfannkuch, Chris J. Wild Abstract Paper The role of external speakers (working statisticians) in the higher education statistics classroomShirley Yvonne Coleman Abstract Paper
IPS070: Recent developments in nonparametric statistics on manifolds with applications to biology, medical imaging and machine vision
The structure of space and long term behaviour of Fréchet meansHuiling Le Abstract (Semi-)intrinsic statistical analysis on stratified spacesStephan F. Huckemann Abstract Paper Nonparametric density estimation on manifolds with applications to shape analysisAbhishek Bhattacharya Abstract Paper
IPS071: Quality in official statistics
Influence of governance issues on the quality of official statisticsEdvard Outrata Abstract Paper Quality improvement of administrative registers statistically exploited to generate the indicator-based decision-making system in the State of Yucatan, MexicoFederico Segui, Amparo Ballivian, Indu John-Abraham, Alejandro Medina, Julio Ortegon, Ignacio Romero Abstract Paper Quality assurance of official statistics in Hong KongKa Lin Chan Abstract Paper The policeman and the statistician - On the quality of the raw data in official statisticsAnton Färnström Abstract Paper
IPS072: International contrasts in educational frameworks for teaching statistics to non-specialists
Changing educational framework in the transition to new educational standards at Russian universities of life science and their impact on the teaching of statisticsLyman McDonald, Galina Kamyshova Abstract Paper Teaching statistics to non-specialists in Mainland ChinaWei Yuan Abstract Paper The assessment of statistics learning by large-scale standardized tests: some evidences in the Italian primary and secondary educationStefania Mignani, Roberto Ricci Abstract Paper
IPS073: Response to natural disasters
Managing the impact of floods in Eastern Australia on Australian official statisticsPaul Schubert, Evrim Aydin Saher Abstract Paper Floods in Pakistan 2010 and 2011Muhammad Akram Janjua Abstract Paper The impact of the great East Japan earthquake on the labor market and industrial production in the disaster-striken prefecturesIsao Takabe, Minoru Nogimori, Tomohiko Inui Abstract Paper Managing the effect of a disaster on official statisticsGary Roger Dunnet, Richard Penny Abstract Paper
IPS074: Experimental design in industry and business
Mixture experiments: From D- to I-optimalityPeter Goos, Bradley Jones, Utami Syafitri Abstract Designed experiments for semi-parametric models and functional data with a case-study in tribologyDavid Woods, Christopher J. Marley, Susan M. Lewis Abstract Paper Constrained optimal experimental designLulu Kang Abstract
IPS075: The business of weather and agriculture
Non-linear statistical models to improve wind power forecastsPilar Muñoz, Josep A. Sánchez-Espigares, Dolores M. Márquez Abstract Paper Composite likelihood approach for multivariable spatio-temporal processesRyan H.L. Ip, Wai Keung Li Abstract Improved point scale simulated climate projections for use in crop modellingPhilip Nicholas Kokic Abstract
IPS076: Recent developments in asymptotic statistics of stochastic processes
Threshold estimation for stochastic differential equations with jumpsYasutaka Shimizu Abstract Paper A test for the rank of the volatility process: The random perturbation approachMark Podolskij, Jean Jacod Abstract Paper Discriminant analysis for stochastic differential equations based on sampled dataMasayuki Uchida Abstract On ADF goodness of fit tests for stochastic processesYury A. Kutoyants Abstract Paper
IPS077: Credit risk
Utility maximization for a defaultable security with discrete monitoringJun Sekine Abstract A double HMM approach to Altman Z-scores and credit ratingsTak Kuen Siu, Robert J. Elliott, Eric S. Fung Abstract Bayesian analysis of structure credit risk models with micro-structure noises and jump diffusionHoi Ying Wong, Sau-Lung Chan, Kwok-Wah Ho Abstract Price formation in limit order markets with bilateral trading agreementsMartin D. Gould, Nikolaus Hautsch, Mason A. Porter, Stacy Williams, Mark McDonald, Daniel J. Fenn, Sam D. Howison Abstract Paper
IPS078: Towards an integrated statistical system of social accounts
Macro-integration techniques to reconcile labour market statistics from different sourcesNino Mushkudiani, Jacco Daalmans, Jeroen Pannekoek Abstract Paper Quality assessment in systems with registers and sample surveysAnders Wallgren, Britt Wallgren Abstract Paper Microdata integration for labour accountPernille Stender, Thomas Thorsen Abstract Paper
IPS079: Analysis of distributional data
Analysis of distribution valued data using techniques of FDAMasahiro Mizuta Abstract Paper Clustering in contemporary mixed-valued dataLynne Billard, Jaejik Kim Abstract Paper A hierarchical conceptual clustering based on the quantile method for mixed feature-type dataManabu Ichino, Paula Brito Abstract
IPS080: New developments in small area estimation and applications
Benchmarking and design-consistency in small area estimationParthasarathi Lahiri Abstract An outlier robust block bootstrap for small area estimationRay Chambers, Payam Mokhtarian Abstract Paper A review of poverty mapping proceduresIsabel Molina, J.N.K. Rao Abstract Paper
IPS081: Statistical methods in educational evaluation
Additional samples with overlapping and balancing conditions: Theoretical aspects and application to students’ assessment dataThierry Rocher, Marc Christine Abstract Paper Using Item Response Mixed (IRM) models to improve the comparability of educational assessment scoresTufi Machado Soares Abstract Paper Item Response Theory (IRT) and large scale learning assessment in BrazilRuben Klein Abstract Paper England’s multilevel model based value-added school league tables: Measuring and communicating statistical uncertainty to parentsGeorge Leckie Abstract Paper
IPS082: GIS and census
Planning for the future, building on decades of success: The role of geospatial data at the Census BureauMichael R. Ratcliffe Abstract Paper Application of GIS in the 2011 Australian Census and thoughts for 2016Alister Donald Nairn Abstract Paper Exploring and monitoring change in educational level on national, regional and city levelKatja Vilkama, Marja Tammilehto-Luode Abstract Paper Did the dream become reality? Twenty five years of using GIS for census analysisDerek Bond Abstract Paper
IPS085: Transforming national statistics offices through information management
Plug and play statistical components - The cornerstone for future proofing Australia’s statistical systemsFrank Pun Ki Yu, Gillian Nicoll, Michael Meagher Abstract Paper Information management as tool for standardisation in statisticsBarteld Braaksma, Kees Zeelenberg Abstract Paper Innovate or perish - Italy's Stat2015 modernisation programmeEmanuele Baldacci Abstract Paper New ways of working on the collaboration platform of the Government Statistical Service of Hong Kong, ChinaAnthony S.K. Mak Abstract Paper ABS iPhone App - The way of the future?David Sullivan Abstract Paper
IPS086: Benchmarking in classification research
Measurement of quality in cluster analysisChristian Hennig Abstract Resampling methods for exploring cluster stabilityFriedrich Leisch Abstract The role and nature of simulation studies in evaluating approaches to cluster analysisDouglas Steinley Abstract Stimulating benchmarking in classification research: A challenge taken up by the International Federation of Classification SocietiesIven Van Mechelen Abstract
IPS087: Analytic inference for data from complex surveys
Testing for informativeness in analytic inference from complex survey dataJean D. Opsomer, F. Jay Breidt, Wade Herndon, Ricardo Cao, Mario Francisco Fernández Abstract Paper Fitting models to complex survey data accounting for nonignorable sampling and nonresponseDanny Pfeffermann, Moshe Feder Abstract Paper Rank tests with data from a complex surveyAlastair John Scott, Thomas Lumley Abstract Paper Testing of parametric models fitted to high-dimensional contingency tables using complex survey dataChris J. Skinner, Irini Moustaki Abstract Paper
IPS088: Implementation of Core Skills Framework (CSF) for training official statisticians
Training official statisticians in IndiaTCA Anant Abstract Training official statistician in AfricaInnocent Ngalinda, Albina Andrew Chuwa Abstract Training statisticians: Experience of the Russian FederationAlexander Surinov Paper
IPS089: Recent advances in statistical machine learning and its biomedical applications
Machine learning methods for individualizing real-time treatment policiesSusan A. Murphy, Richard S. Sutton Abstract Joint estimation of multiple dependent Gaussian graphical modelsYufeng Liu, Yuying Xie, William Valdar Abstract Genetic association test based on nonparametric stratification of propensity scoresHeping Zhang, Yaji Xu, Chi Song, Yuan Jiang Abstract Clustering and classification of metagenomes with sequence featuresXuegong Zhang Abstract
IPS090: Recent developments in imputation
Handling nonignorable nonresponse using generalized calibration with latent variablesM. Giovanna Ranalli, Alina Matei, Andrea Neri Abstract Paper Hot deck imputation for multivariate missing dataJae-Kwang Kim, Wayne A. Fuller Abstract Paper Balanced k-nearest neighbor imputationCaren Hasler, Yves Tillé Abstract Paper
IPS091: Statistics in finance and the service sector
Cross-country interaction of business cycles in statistical modeling of economic growthElena V. Zarova Abstract Paper Statistical quality techniques for the service sectorFugee Tsung, Jian Li Abstract Paper Generalized Brownian - Laplace processes and financial modelingJose K.K. Kanichukattu Abstract Paper
IPS092: Some perspectives on comparative statistical inference
Principles of statistical inferenceNancy Reid, David Cox Abstract Confidence, likelihood, probabilityNils Lid Hjort, Tore Schweder Abstract Bayesian vs. classical estimation in practiceFrancisco J. Samaniego Abstract
IPS093: Latest development and issue of government statistics
Challenges encountered in developing new area of official statistics in Hong KongLeslie Wai-Kong Tang Abstract Paper Implications of the financial and economic crisis on the European statistical systemKonrad Pesendorfer Abstract Paper Main changes in the official statistical production process of ChinaRonghua Xu Abstract Paper
IPS094: Future of the population census
The 2010 round of population and housing censuses: A global reviewKeiko Osaki Tomita Abstract Future developments on the Canadian Census of PopulationMarc Hamel, Yves Béland Abstract Paper
IPS095: Measuring the development and well-being of societies
Measuring the development and well-being of societiesPaul Cheung Abstract The study of analyzing digital divide with data mining technique and setting up the cloud-platform to improve itBen-Chang Shia Abstract Paper Well-being indicators in Hong KongOsbert W.Y. Wang Abstract Paper
IPS096: Some progresses on probability theory
Strong law of large numbers of some models related to branching processesYanxia Ren Abstract Hitting time distributions for denumerable birth and death processesYong-Hua Mao, Yu Gong, Chi Zhang Abstract Paper Generalized Dyson Brownian motion, McKean-Vlasov equation and eigenvalues of random matricesXiangdong Li Abstract Strong law of larger numbers for capacitiesZengjing Chen Abstract Paper
IPS097: Statistical analysis of complex data
Empirical likelihood for estimating equations with nonignorably missing dataNiansheng Tang, Puying Zhao, Hongtu Zhu Abstract Analyzing longitudinal data with informative observation and terminal event timesLiuquan Sun Abstract Estimating a unitary effect summary based on combined survival and quantitativeHuazhen Lin, Yi Li, Ming T. Tan Abstract Generalized semiparametric latent variable models for analyzing multidimensional and mixed mode dataXinyuan Song Abstract
IPS101: Special invited panel on career development
Business analytics and big data: What do statisticians need to succeed?Robert N. Rodriguez Abstract What is expected from future statisticians for them to adapt to the future of the profession?Jef L. Teugels Abstract
IPS102: How can the statistics community help its younger members in the early stages of their careers?
Mentoring of professional statisticians under auspices of accredited statistical program: Example of Statistical Society of Canada (SCC)Judy-Anne W. Chapman Abstract Paper Mentoring and development of government statisticians: Experiences as a senior government official and parentCynthia Z.F. Clark Abstract Paper Panel discussion entitled Listening to the needs of young mentees: a forum in honour of Martha Aliaga's mentoring work
Helen Louise MacGillivray
IPS103: IARIW-session on the measurement of well-being
How's life and the measurement of well-beingMartine Durand Abstract Recent and future developments related to GDP and beyondWalter Josef Radermacher Abstract Paper Measuring national well-being - A UK perspectiveGlenn James Everett Abstract Paper Measurement of quality of life and well being in France: The drivers for subjective well beingPhilippe Cuneo, Fabrice Lenglart, Claire Plateau Abstract Paper
IPS104: Research, collaborations, and opportunities at the international level: A panel discussion
Panel discussionRon Wasserstein Abstract
IPS105: The diversity of biometry
Spatiotemporal modeling to measure the effects of mutations and selection pressuresHirohisa Kishino, Teruaki Watabe, Reiichiro Nakamichi, Shuichi Kitada Abstract Paper Nonlinear mixed models for disease incidence and severity: Modeling plant diseases in tropical cropsRaúl Edgardo Macchiavelli Abstract Paper Statistical methodology for the 2012 U.S. Census of AgricultureLinda J. Young, Andrea C. Lamas, Denise A. Abreu, Shu Wang, Daniel Adrian Abstract Paper
IPS106: Big data
What is the big deal about big data?Vijay N. Nair Abstract Massive weather (re)forecast data: Challenges and opportunities for statisticiansTilmann Gneiting Abstract Big data and complex modeling challenges in astronomy and solar physicsDavid A. van Dyk Abstract Statistical techniques for big data optimizationTong Zhang Abstract
IPS107: The UN fundamental principles of official statistics - Applicability and implementation
Panel discussionCarmelita Nuguid Ericta Abstract Panel discussionMario Palma Rojo Abstract
IPS108: Sharing data, code and publications - Making research reproducible
The reproducible research movement in statisticsVictoria Stodden Abstract Paper Data partnerships for major research challengesRon Sandland Abstract Why data availability is such a hard problemAlan F. Karr Abstract Open access, open data and scholarly publishingKathryn D. Sharples Abstract International support for data openness and transparencyMisha V. Belkindas, Eric V. Swanson Abstract Paper
IPS109: The Higgs Boson: Statistical issues in weighing the evidence
The lattice QCD problem of particle physics and its statistical architectureNozer D. Singpurwalla Abstract An MCMC based solution to the QCD problem of particle physics
Joshua Landon
The assessment of evidence in the discovery of a Higgs BosonDavid A. van Dyk Abstract
IPS110: Developing a master sampling frame for integrated agricultural and rural surveys
Using satellite imagery and geo-referencing technology for building a master sampling frameElisabetta Carfagna Abstract Paper Indirect sampling as a general approach for defining unbiased sampling strategies for integrated agricultural surveysPietro Gennari, Piero Demetrio Falorsi, Clara Aida Khalil Abstract Paper Development of a master sampling frame for agricultural and rural statistics: The experience of EthiopiaAberash Tariku Abaye Abstract Paper
IPS111: Memorial session: Remembering G.E.P. Box, J. Durbin, C. L. Kincannon and K. Singh
George Box: The legacy of an ‘Accidental Statistician’Bovas Abraham Abstract Jim Durbin – A statistician on a world stageDenise Lievesley Abstract Charles Louis Kincannon – Career civil servant and official statisticianCynthia Z.F. Clark Abstract Kesar Singh: Reminiscences of a talented statisticianRegina Liu Abstract
IPS112: Statistical inference – An unresolved issue in statistics education
Informal inferential reasoning: A computer-based training environmentJoachim Engel, Tim Erickson Abstract Paper The role of statistical inference in teaching and achievement of studentsRamesh Kapadia Abstract Paper Teaching statistical inference from multiple perspectives integrating diverging schools of inferenceÖdön Vancsó Abstract Paper A comparative educational study of statistical inferenceManfred Borovcnik Abstract Paper
IPS113: Insurance and financial risks: Actuarial science approaches
Risk measures with applications to actuarial premiums and insurance solvencyMarc J. Goovaerts, Daniël Linders Abstract Sequential testing revisited: Linking statistics and ruin theoryHansjoerg Albrecher, Peiman Asadi, Jevgenijs Ivanovs Abstract Measuring herd behavior in stock marketsJan Dhaene, Daniël Linders, Wim Schoutens Abstract A mixture model approach to operational risk managementSheldon X. Lin, Lan Gong, Andrei Badescu Abstract
IPS114: International Year of Statistics and Karl Pearson Lecture
Special presentation about The International Year of Statistics 2013Ron Wasserstein Abstract Karl Pearson Lecture: Statistical issues in modern scientific researchPeter McCullagh Abstract
STS001: Promoting statistics amongst the youth through fun activities
“Selling statistics” to school children on university open daysDelia Elizabeth North Abstract Making statistics fun in the classroomBradley J. Payne Abstract Statistics poster competitions: What do they tell us about teacher's knowledge of statistics and how can we learn from thisJennifer Vanessa Freeman, Eleanor Stillman, Brad Payne Abstract Promoting statistics to secondary students in Hong KongAnnie Yuen-Wai Chan Abstract
STS002: Finite sample behavior of statistical procedures
Interval estimation procedures and information inequalitiesMasafumi Akahira Abstract Paper Finite sample properties of change point proceduresM. Huskova Abstract A small sample bias correction and implications for inferenceBrenton R. Clarke, Christopher J. Milne Abstract Paper Shape constraints in empirical Bayes inferenceIvan Mizera, Mu Lin Abstract Paper Multivariate regression L-estimationJan Picek, Jana Jureckova, Pranab K. Sen Abstract
STS003: The LAD methods and their statistical inferences
Building an efficient medianStephan Morgenthaler Abstract Profiles of atmospheric radiation: Quantile regression of profiles in timeJaromir Antoch, Daniel Hlubinka Abstract A robust test for regression coefficients using L1-normHans Nyquist Abstract Adaptive combination of LSE and LAD in the asymmetric modelsYadolah Dodge, Jana Jureckova Abstract
STS004: Multivariate non-parametric methods with applications to high dimensional data
Supervised dimension reduction based on scatter matricesHannu Oja, Liski Eero, Nordhausen Klaus Abstract Spatial distributions in Banach spaces and related depths and quantilesAnirvan Chakraborty, Probal Chaudhuri Abstract Resistant estimates for high dimensional and functional data based on random projectionsRicardo Fraiman, Marcela Svarc Abstract Nonparametric statistical process control charts for high dimensional dataJun Li Abstract A nonparametric two-sample test applicable to high dimensional dataAnil K. Ghosh, Munmun Biswas Abstract
STS005: Two views of smoothing splines and related tools
Automatic model structure selection for multivariate nonparametric regressionHao Helen Zhang, Guang Cheng, Yufeng Liu Abstract L1-optimal splines for outlier rejectionMasaaki Nagahara, Clyde F. Martin Abstract Paper Functional mixed effects spectral analysisWensheng Guo, Robert T. Krafty, Martica Hall Abstract Paper Dynamic contour modeling of wet material objects by periodic smoothing splinesHiroyuki Kano, Hiroyuki Fujioka Abstract Paper Smoothing splines on projective spaceWenzhen Fan, Clyde F. Martin Abstract
STS006: Towards an international framework for statistical councils of national statistical systems
The case for communication between national statistical councilsRichard Alldritt Abstract Paper Statistics agencie's relationships with other government statistical producers: An interview study in Australia and the United KingdomCosmo Howard Abstract Paper The network of Government Statistical Service in Hong KongEdith Lai-Shan Chan Abstract Paper NSCs: Advise + Action = Accountability?
Margarita Guerrero
STS007: Extremes in action: From time series to random fields
Estimation of extreme events from spatial rainfall dataAna Ferreira, Rita M. Cardoso, Pedro M.M. Soares, Margarida Belo-Pereira Abstract Paper Exploratory plots in the analysis of extremesSouvik Ghosh, Bikramjit Das Abstract Paper Modeling clusters of extreme values in time seriesNatalia M. Markovich Abstract Paper Testing for multivariate regular variationAndrea Krajina, John H.J. Einmahl Abstract
STS008: Bayesian spatial modelling with application to health and survival in sub-Saharan Africa
A Bayesian two-part model applied to analyze risk factors of adult mortality in NamibiaLawrence N. Kazembe Abstract Age-gender specific spatio-temporal trends of small area mortality in South Africa, 1997–2010Samuel O.M. Manda Abstract Modelling immunisation coverage in Nigeria: A Bayesian structured additive regression approachSamson Babatunde Adebayo, Waheed Babatunde Yahya Abstract Paper Application of Bayesian geo-additive mixed latent variable model to the child’s health problemsKhaled Khatab Abstract An exploratory spatial analysis of geographical inequalities of birth intervals among young women in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)Tobias Chirwa, Felly Kinziunga Kinziunga, Jocelyn Nzinunu Mantempa, Joseph Desire Kandala, Ngianga-Bakwin Kandala Abstract
STS009: Statistical analysis of competing risks data
Phase-type distributions for competing risksBo Henry Lindqvist Abstract Paper Statistical analysis of competing risks with missing causes of failureIsha Dewan, Uttara V. Naik-Nimbalkar Abstract Paper Regression analysis of competing risks data with general missing pattern in failure typesP.G. Sankaran, Anup Dewanji, Debasis Sengupta, Bappa Karmakar Abstract Paper
STS010: Latent variable modeling of complex survey data
Issues in structural equation modeling of complex survey dataStephen J. Tueller, Kenneth A. Bollen, Daniel L. Oberski Abstract Paper Multilevel multidimensional item response modeling for complex survey data with application to large-scale educational assessmentsLi Cai Abstract Issues surrounding Markov latent class analysis for assessing measurement error in complex surveys: A case study using the National Crime Victimization SurveyMarcus Berzofsky, Paul P. Biemer Abstract Paper Conditional design effects for SEM estimatesDaniel L. Oberski Abstract Paper
STS011: Recent advance in stochastic processes and their applications
On the approximate maximum likelihood estimation for diffusion processesSong Xi Chen, Jinyuan Chang Abstract Paper Statistical inference and Malliavin calculusArturo Kohatsu-Higa, Jose M. Corcuera Abstract Paper Symmetric rearrangements around infinity with applications to Levy processesRongfeng Sun, Alexander Drewitz, Perla Sousi Abstract Critical two-point functions for long-range self-avoiding walk in high dimensionsLung-Chi Chen, Akira Sakai Abstract Paper Statistical properties of microstructure noiseXinghua Zheng, Jean Jacod, Yingying Li Abstract Paper
STS012: Analysis of complex outcome data in RNA sequencing and genome-wide association studies
Controlling false discovery rates in RNA-sequencing dataConrad J. Burden, Sumaira Qureshi, Susan R. Wilson Abstract Paper Joint analysis of binary and quantitative traits with data sharing and outcome-dependent samplingJungnam Joo, Gang Zheng, Colin O. Wu, Minjung Kwak, Wenhua Jiang, Joao A.C. Lima Abstract PLNseq: A multivariate poisson lognormal distribution for high-throughput correlated RNA-seq read countsHong Zhang, Jinfeng Xu, Xiaohua Hu, Zewei Luo Abstract A joint regression analysis for genetic association studies with outcome stratified samplesMinjung Kwak, Colin O. Wu, Gang Zheng Abstract Paper A new multivariate zero-inflated poisson model with applicationsGuo-Liang Tian, Yin Liu, Xiqian Ding Abstract
STS013: Measuring poverty in the context of energy and money restrictions
Conclusions from long term experience in measuring poverty with price indicesMichel Mouyelo-Katoula Abstract Paper Measuring the real value of production and its impact on distribution of global wealth and poverty, reflections in the economic order of the real worldHelmut Maier Abstract Paper Poverty and poverty measurement in Russia: Energy poverty in the energy-rich countryIrina Eliseeva Abstract Paper Poverty and poverty measurement in AfricaFelicien Donat Edgar Towenan Accrombessy Abstract Paper
STS014: Time series analysis and finance
Simulated maximum likelihood in a Markov switching stochastic volatility modelBovas Abraham Abstract Inference for generalized duration modelsAerambamoorthy Thavaneswaran Abstract Prediction intervals and simultaneous bands for ARCH processes with an application to autoregressive conditional duration modelsBei Chen Abstract Time varying autoregressive conditional duration modelsRamanathan V. Thekkevariam Abstract Parameter estimation of random coefficient models with correlated errors using quadratic estimating function approachIbrahim bin Mohamed, Kamil Khalid Abstract
STS015: Ethical dilemmas for statisticians – How should we respond? The role of the ISI declaration on professional ethics
Ethical dilemmas for statistics - How should we respond?Len W. Cook Abstract Ethical dilemmas for statistics - How should we respond?Haishan Fu Abstract Ethical dilemmas for statistics - How should we respond?David Morganstein Abstract Ethical dilemmas for statistics - How should we respond?Benjamin French Abstract
STS016: Measuring China's economic performance
What develop trade credit? Case of provinces in ChinaGo Yano, Maho Shiraishi Abstract Paper Constructing a time series of Chinese multi-regional input-output tables at provincial level and high sector detailYafei Wang, Manfred Lenzen Abstract Paper An interpretation of planning economy era in ChinaMaho Shiraishi Abstract Paper The calculation of Chinese short-term international capital flowShi Gang Abstract Paper Mincer’s wage determination, job changing, and social capital in ChinaYang Liu Abstract Paper
STS017: Alternative census methods, lessons learned from the 2010 round, projects for the 2020 round
The beginning of a new era in the census method of Turkey, use of registers: Lessons learned and future prospectsEnver Tasti, Sebnem Bese Canpolat, Baris Ucar Abstract Paper Innovations in census taking for the United States in 2020Burton H. Reist, Andrew Ciango Abstract Paper New census modalities in IsraelPnina Zadka, Yael Feinstein Abstract Paper Rolling census: scoping study for BrazilAndrea Diniz Da Silva Abstract Paper The French rolling census: A decade of experienceJean Michel Durr, Francois Clanche Abstract Paper
STS018: The potential of Internet, big data and organic data for official statistics
Internet as a new source of information for the production of official statistics. Experiences of Statistics Netherlands.Nicolaes Heerschap Abstract Paper Knowledge linking for online statisticsMarc Spaniol, Natalia Prytkova, Gerhard Weikum Abstract Paper Big data coming soon ...... to an NSI near youJohn Dunne Abstract Paper Big data and official statistics: From opportunities to strategiesEmmanuel Letouzé, Eric Bensel, Johannes Jütting Abstract Building economic indicators from online dataManuel I. Bertolotto Abstract
STS019: Probability forecasting
Local scoring rules: A versatile tool for inferenceMonica Musio, Philip Dawid Abstract Paper Probabilistic forecast paths in economics and financeShaun P. Vahey, Elizabeth C. Wakerly Abstract Paper Probabilistic forecasts of wind power generation by stochastic differential equation modelsHenrik Madsen, Jan Kloppenborg Møller, Pierre Pinson Abstract Paper
STS021: The roles of administrative data in official statistics
Using administrative data in population and social statisticsJari Tarkoma Abstract Paper The roles of tax administration data in official statistics production in South AfricaElizabeth Gavin, Deon Breytenbach, Randall Carolissen, Mamiky Leolo Abstract Paper Producing regional profiles based on administrative and statistical data in New ZealandMichael Slyuzberg, Gail Kelly Abstract Paper The use of administrative data at Statistics CanadaWesley Yung, Pierre Lavallée, Julie Trépanier Abstract Paper Wage and salary employment position statistics based on administrative dataKido Seong, Homan Song Abstract Paper
STS022: Difference-based variance estimation in nonparametric regression
Optimal variance estimation without estimating the mean functionYuedong Wang, Tiejun Tong, Yanyuan Ma Abstract Paper Further variance reduction and bias elimination for nonparametric kernel estimationYebin Cheng, Ming-Yen Cheng, Tiejun Tong Abstract Difference-based variance estimation in nonparametric regression with repeated measurementsTiejun Tong, Yanyuan Ma, Wenlin Dai, Lixing Zhu Abstract Paper Variance estimation in the analysis of microarray dataYanyuan Ma, Yuedong Wang, Raymond J. Carroll Abstract Paper
STS023: Statistics and policy
Handling quantitative information across scales and dimensionsMario Giampietro Abstract Statistical information and evidence based decision-makingWalter Josef Radermacher Abstract Democracy, scientific inquiry and indicators: A pragmatic perspectivePaul-Marie Boulanger Abstract Paper Advocacy, analysis and quality. The Bermuda triangle of statisticsAndrea Saltelli, Michaela Saisana Abstract Paper
STS024: New ways to measure global value chains
A measurement framework and a narrative on global value chains and economic globalisationMerja Hult, Timothy J. Sturgeon, Pekka Alajääskö Abstract Paper Linking trade statistics and business registers in a developing country contextRonald Jansen, Luis Gonzalez Morales, Odilia Bravo Cambronero, Ana Mercedes Umaña Abstract Paper Measurement of trade in value-added: Using Chinese input-output tables capturing processing tradeCuihong Yang, Chen Xikang, Duan Yuwan, Jiang Xuemei, Pei Jiansuo, Xu Jian, Yang Lianling, Zhu Kunfu Abstract Paper International trade in value added: Trade statistics and trade policy implications the WTO perspectiveAndreas Maurer, Christophe Degain Abstract Paper Measuring international organisation of enterprises and sourcing of business functionsPeter Bøegh Nielsen Abstract Paper
STS025: New approaches for agricultural statistics
Integration of agricultural census and population census dataEva Laczka Abstract Paper Use of significance editing for agricultural surveysWendy J. Barboza, James M. Harris Abstract Paper Developing an agricultural statistics strategy for South AfricaMoses Mnyaka, Edmund Kibuuka Abstract Paper Remote sensing application in China's crop acreage estimationWei Zhou Abstract Paper A 2020 round of agricultural surveysFlavio P. Bolliger Abstract Paper Agricultural productivity growth in the United States: Measurement, drivers, and impactsSun Ling Wang Abstract Paper
STS026: Experiences when building the methodological architecture for statistics production
Methodology architecture - A roadmap for new methodological directions in the Australian Bureau of StatisticsSiu-Ming Tam Paper Using design principles to deliver strategy in a new organisational structureGary Brown, Catherine A. Davies Abstract Paper Strengthening methodological architecture with multiple frames and data sourcesJames M. Harris, Cynthia Z.F. Clark Abstract Paper Balancing sound methodology and IT flexibility in statistical productionAllyson J. Seyb Abstract Paper Lessons learned from implementing an integrated methodological architectureEvelyn N. Maelane, Marlize Pistorius Abstract Paper
STS027: New forms of data for research, policy evaluation and official statistics
New forms of data for official statisticsNiels Ploug Abstract Paper Global integration of new forms of data: Problems and possibilitiesPeter Elias Abstract Paper New forms of data for research - Three examples from social scienceLisbeth Pedersen Abstract Paper New forms of data and scientific researchDavid De Roure Abstract Data fusion and new dataLichun Zhang Abstract
STS028: Depth-based procedures for high-dimensional and functional data
Multivariate functional halfspace depthMia Hubert Abstract Depth and the deepest point in infinite dimensional spacesProbal Chaudhuri Abstract Functional depth based on distances: What for?Alicia Nieto-Reyes Abstract Nonparametric combination of multiple inferences using data depth, bootstrap and confidence distributionRegina Liu, Dungang Liu, Min-ge Xie Abstract From depth to local depth: A focus on centralityDavy Paindaveine, Germain Van Bever Abstract
STS029: Practicalities in measuring intangible assets
The measurement of intangible assets in the national accounts and growth accounts of the NetherlandsMark de Haan, Myriam van Rooijen-Horsten, Murat Tanriseven, Erik Veldhuizen Abstract Paper Intangible assets in the SNA: Measurement and considerations for productivity estimatesNadim Ahmad Abstract Coming to grips with intangiblesBranko Vitas, Getachew A. Tessema Abstract Paper The measurement of artistic originals in the UKLouisa Nolan, Darren Morgan, Paul Smith Abstract Paper
STS030: Statistical education at university focusing on learning approaches in different educational and cultural contexts
First year statistics units across three continents: Similarities and differencesFrancesca Chiesi, Caterina Primi, Ayse Aysin Bilgin, Maria Virginia Lopez, Maria del Carmen Fabrizio, Sitki Gozlu Abstract Paper Underlying reasons for different learning approaches in statistics in ArgentinaMaría V. López, María C. Fabrizio, Adriana Perez, María C. Plencovich, Gerardo Cueto Abstract Paper Underlying reasons for different learning approaches in statistics in ItalyCaterina Primi, Francesca Chiesi Abstract Paper Underlying reasons for different learning approaches in statistics in an Australian universityAyse Aysin Bilgin Abstract Paper Underlying reasons for different learning approaches in statistics in Turkish universitiesSitki Gozlu, Ayse Aysin Bilgin, Dilek Ozdemir Gungor Abstract Paper Some aspects of statistical significance in statistics educationPranesh Kumar Abstract Paper
STS031: International comparability versus national relevance: Contributions of the national statistical offices in monitoring the leading cause of death - Methods and merits of global adult tobacco survey
Evaluating tobacco control in Turkey: Comparability over timeYilmaz Ersahin Abstract GATS in Nigeria: A key to innovation/success in adult tobacco surveillance in AfricaIsiaka Akinjide Olarewaju Abstract Paper Design and implementation of adult tobacco survey in PakistanRizwan Bashir Abstract Methods and merits of the global adult tobacco survey: International comparability versus national relevanceKrishna Mohan Palipudi Abstract Meeting the global comparability: Integration of tobacco questions in surveysQiang Li, Yong Jiang, Mei Zhang, Yichong Li, Congxiao Wang, Gonghuan Yang Abstract
STS032: Energy statistics
Importance sampling for the reliability evaluation with a stochastic computer modelYoungjun Choe, Eunshin Byon, Vijay N. Nair, Nan Chen Abstract Using complex surveys to estimate the L1-median of a functional variable: Application to electricity load curvesCamelia Goga, Mohamed Chaouch Abstract Paper Optimal combined forecasts for electricity prices: Influence of clean energiesEduardo Caro, Carolina García-Martos, María Jesús Sánchez Abstract Paper Some interesting statistics problems arising from analyses of energy data from surveysCarol Joyce Blumberg Abstract Paper
STS033: Branching processes and related fields: Theory and applications
Fluid approximation and a time change for an evolution modelFima C. Klebaner, Kais Hamza, Haya Kaspi Abstract Paper Branching random walks and their applications to population studiesElena B. Yarovaya Abstract Paper Branching processes evolving in asynchronous environmentsVladimir Vatutin, Quansheng Liu Abstract Paper Controlled branching processes: Applications in biologyMiguel González, Rodrigo Martínez, Inés María Del Puerto, Cristina Gutiérrez Abstract Paper The age structure of population-dependent general branching processes in environments with a high carrying capacityKais Hamza, Peter Jagers, Fima C. Klebaner Abstract Paper
STS034: What are the quality impacts of conducting high profile official statistical collections on a voluntary basis?
Producing official statistics via voluntary surveys - The National Household Survey in CanadaMarc Hamel Abstract Paper Nonresponse work at Statistics Sweden - Examples from the past and plans for the futureMartin Axelson, Lina Fjelkegård, Peter Lundquist, Peter Werner Abstract Paper The impact of nonresponse on survey qualityBart Bakker, Jelke Bethlehem Abstract Paper Voluntary and volunteer government surveys in the USPhillip S. Kott Abstract Paper
STS035: Statistical methods for biophysical structure and dynamics
A survey of Riemannian centres of mass for dataWilfrid S. Kendall Abstract Paper Partial least squares to identify functional dynamics of proteinsTatyana Krivobokova, Marco Singer, Bert De Groot, Axel Munk Abstract Paper Sparsity-based analysis of superresolution microscopy dataTimo Aspelmeier Abstract Aggregated motion estimation for imaging in real time MRIHousen Li, Markus Haltmeier, Shuo Zhang, Jens Frahm, Axel Munk Abstract Paper Statistical computation in protein foldingSamuel Kou Abstract
STS036: Statistical machine learning theory
Statistical analysis of learning with minimum error entropy criterionDing-Xuan Zhou Abstract On learning data representationLorenzo Rosasco, Guillermo D. Canas Abstract Approximation with multiscale kernelsHolger Wendland Abstract Qualitative robustness of bootstrap approximations for kernel based methodsMatias Salibian-Barrera, Andreas Christmann, Stefan Van Aelst Abstract Paper Kernel two-sample and independence testsArthur Gretton Abstract
STS037: Real estate price statistics
Real estate prices: Methodological frameworks - The international handbooks on residential property price indices and commercial property price indicesDavid Fenwick Abstract Paper ECB progress towards a European Commercial Property Price IndexAndrew Kanutin Abstract Paper Sparse data and commercial property price indexesMick Silver, Brian Graf Abstract Paper Real estate price statistics - Relevance, links and challengesRoberto Barcellan Abstract Paper Property price statistics for Ireland - Data sources and compilation issuesNiall O’Hanlon Abstract Paper
STS038: Coverage problems in administrative data and secured linking
Epidemiological and statistical secured matching in FranceCatherine Quantin, Benoît Riandey Abstract Paper Robustness of population size estimates against violation of the independence assumptionSusanna C. Gerritse, Peter G.M. Van Der Heijden, Bart F.M. Bakker Abstract Paper Population size estimation based on erroneous capture-recapture dataLichun Zhang Abstract Paper Estimating from mixed sources with incomplete coverageJoep Burger, Arnout Van Delden, Piet Daas, Pieter Vlag Abstract Paper Efficient private record linkage of very large datasetsRainer Schnell Abstract Paper
STS039: Measuring progress at local level
Estimating inequalities at local level in ItalyStefano Marchetti Abstract Paper Measuring change of poverty estimates on small area levelJan Pablo Burgard, Ralf T. Münnich, Stefan B. Zins Abstract Paper Repeated regular sample survey-based monitoring for food security and child nutritionStephen J. Haslett Abstract Paper Environmental features and subjective well being in Italy: A local level analysisLuigi Biggeri, Tiziana Laureti, Luca Sceondi Abstract Paper
STS040: Implementing SNA2008/ESA2010 in the EU and OECD
Implementation of 2008 System of National Accounts by the Australian Bureau of StatisticsBranko Vitas, Michael Davies Abstract Paper ESA2010 data transmission programme: What's new as of the second half 2014?Roberto Barcellan, Silke Stapel-Weber, Johannes Wouters Abstract Paper Technical challenges and opportunities for international exchange of national accounts dataWerner Bier Abstract Paper National accounts data sharing between international organizationsSilke Stapel-Weber, Christine Gerstberger, Remigio Echeverria, Peter van de Ven Abstract Paper Methodological challenges of SNA2008 and ESA2010Peter van de Ven Abstract Paper
STS041: Statistics as a career choice for women: Great rewards, persistent challenges and making the change happen
Statistics as a career choice for women in South AfricaJacky Galpin Abstract Statistics as a career choice for women in RussiaIrina Eliseeva Abstract Statistics as a career choice for women in MexicoLilia Leticia Ramirez Abstract Statistics as a career choice for women in CanadaSylvia Esterby Abstract Statistics as a career choice for women in AustraliaBronwyn Harch Abstract Statistics as a career choice for women in MexicoAmanda L. Golbeck Abstract
STS042: Subjective indicators and their role in measuring countrie's progress and wellbeing: Definition, construction and analysis
The role of subjective indicators in measuring the equitable and sustainable well-being in ItalyAdolfo Morrone Abstract Paper The OECD guidelines on subjective well-being: Towards a common measurement framework, and the statistical agenda aheadConal Smith Abstract Measuring subjective well-being in the European Statistical System (ESS)Marleen De Smedt Abstract
STS043: Using geospatial information in area sampling and estimation for agricultural and environmental surveys
Methodological developments for improving the reliability and cost-effectiveness of agricultural statistics in developing countriesMonica Pratesi, Elisabetta Carfagna Abstract Paper Pilot point sample area frame survey for agricultural statistics in NigeriaSarah Hoffman, Michael Steiner Abstract Paper Design and estimation for recreational fisheries surveysF. Jay Breidt, Jean D. Opsomer Abstract Paper Using remote sensing cropland classification data to update area sampling frameXinhua Yu Abstract Paper Automatic stratification for an agricultural area frame using remote sensing dataStephanie Zimmer, Jae Kwang Kim, Sarah Nusser Abstract Paper
STS044: Measurement error models
Nonparametric density estimation in case of measurement errors: A surveyIrène Gijbels Abstract Censored quantile regression with covariate measurement errorsGuosheng Yin, Yuanshan Wu, Yanyuan Ma Abstract Paper Coefficient of determination for multiple measurement error modelsShalabh Shalabh, G. Garg, C.L. Cheng Abstract Paper Bickel-Rosenblatt type goodness-of-fit test in linear errors-in-variables modelWeixing Song, Hira L. Koul Abstract Paper On rank methods in errors-in-variables modelsSilvelyn Zwanzig Abstract Paper Total least-squares adjustment with prior information vs. the penalized least-squares approach to EIV-modelsBurkhard Schaffrin, Kyle Snow Abstract Paper
STS045: International statistics - Supplying international statistics for decision making
Composite measure of industrial performance for cross-country analysisShyam Upadhyaya Abstract Paper Why are the G-20 data gaps initiative and the SDDS plus relevant for financial stability analysis?Robert Heath Abstract Paper Should international organisations use also non-official sources when providing official international economic statistics?Per Nymand-Andersen, Werner Bier Abstract Paper Reviving statistical yearbooks to meet changing needs of usersArtur Andrysiak Abstract The challenge of supplying comparable international statistics to professional users
Maurine Haver
STS046: Limit theorems for high frequency data
Between data cleaning and inference: Pre-averaging and other robust estimators of the efficient pricePer A. Mykland, Lan Zhang Abstract Estimating the efficient price from the order flow: A Brownian Cox process approachMathieu Rosenbaum, Sylvain Delattre, Christian Y. Robert Abstract Linear regression of drift in continuous semimartingale modelsMasaaki Fukasawa Abstract Paper Kolmogorov-Smirnov type tests for local gaussianity in high-frequency dataGeorge Tauchen, Viktor Todorov Abstract Paper
STS048: Statistical network - Showcasing a new approach for international collaboration in industralising the production of official statistics
Generic statistical information model: An innovative collaboration which facilitates international collaborationJenine Borowik, Aurito Rivera, Carrie Ashley, Steven Vale Abstract Paper Utilizing international collaboration to assist Statistics New Zealand in delivering on its modernisation programGary Dunnet, Michelle Feyen Abstract Paper Towards a common business architecture for the statistical networkErica McCoull, Eden Brinkley, Robert McLellan Abstract Business architecture principles to foster industrialisation and standardisation at the Italian National Institute of StatisticsNadia Mignolli, Giulio Barcaroli, Piero Demetrio Falorsi, Alessandra Fasano Abstract Paper Standardisation of statistics production - Approach, results and making use of international cooperationMats Bergdahl Abstract Paper
STS049: Small area estimation for business statistics
Impact of sampling on small area estimation in business surveysRalf T. Munnich, Jan Pablo Burgard, Thomas Zimmermann Abstract Paper Robust small area estimation for discrete outcomesNikos Tzavidis, Ray Chambers, Nicola Salvati Abstract Small area estimation applications in the US Census BureauYang Cheng, Bac Tran, Partha Lahiri, Carma Hogue Abstract Paper Small area estimation for semicontinuous dataHukum Chandra, Ray Chambers Abstract Paper Small area estimation in business information technologyAna F. Militino, M. Dolores Ugarte, Tomás Goicoa Abstract Paper
STS051: Source and feature detection in astronomy
Bayesian object detection in astrophysicsFarhan Feroz, Mike Hobson Abstract Paper Have we seen a signal yet? A necessary condition for claiming discoveryBodhisattva Sen, Michael Woodroofe Abstract Paper Detecting dark matter signatures in Fermi/LAT Gamma-Ray dataRoberto Trotta Abstract A Bayesian hypothesis testDaniel J. Mortlock Abstract Cosine directions using Rao-Blackwell theorem and Hausdorff metric in QuasarsByron E. Bell Abstract Paper
STS052: Official statistics in the Arab Region - Challenges and the way forward
Challenges in statistical capacity building in the Arab countriesSava? Alpay Abstract Paper Statistical capacity building in IraqMahdi Al-Alak Abstract Paper Challenges facing the official statistics in the GCC Countries - Oman as a modelSabir Said Al-Harbi Abstract Paper Challenges facing official statistics in EgyptAwatef Hussein Emam Abou Gendy Abstract Paper Official statistics in the Arab region: Viable Arab framework to respond to common challengesOla Farah Awad/Shakhshir Abstract Paper
STS053: Robustness and stability measures
Very robust regression: Frameworks for comparisonsAnthony C. Atkinson, Marco Riani, Domenico Perrotta Abstract Paper Robust sparse regression in high dimensionsAndreas Alfons, Christophe Croux, Viktoria Öllerer, Sarah Gelper Abstract Paper Influence measures for CART classification treesServane Gey, Avner Bar-Hen, Jean-Michel Poggi Abstract Paper Robust risk estimation using exact resampling criteria for the kNN algorithmTristan Mary-Huard, Alain Celisse Abstract Paper
STS054: Large sample covariance matrices and high-dimensional statistics
A note on central limit theorems for linear spectral statistics of large dimensional F-matrixShurong Zheng, Zhidong Bai Abstract Paper On the goodness-of-fit test in a factor model with high-dimensional dataDamien Passemier, Jian-Feng Yao Abstract Paper On generalized expectation based estimation of a population spectral distribution from high-dimensional dataWeiming Li, Jianfeng Yao Abstract Paper
STS055: Non-parametric curve estimation: Theory and applications
Nonparametric curve estimation under monotonicity constraintRabi Bhattacharya, Lizhen Lin Abstract Paper Recursively generated control theoretic splines for on-the-fly approximationClyde F. Martin, Shan Sun Abstract Paper Nonparametric modeling of dynamical seasonality and trend with heteroscedastic and dependent errorsMing-Yen Cheng, Yu-Chun Chen, Hau-Tieng Wu Abstract Paper Application of nonparametric quantile regression to body mass index percentile curves from survey dataYan Li, Barry I. Graubard, Edward L. Korn Abstract Quantile correlations and quantile autoregressive modelingGuodong Li, Yang Li, Chih-Ling Tsai Abstract Paper
STS057: Methodological and compilation review on bank interest rates statistics
Experience of compiling interest rate statisticsSosang Moon Abstract Paper Quality issues in the compilation of bank interest rate statistics: A European perspectiveAndreas Kuchler Abstract Paper The Federal Reserve’s role in the collection and dissemination of information on interest ratesMatthew Lieber, Charles P. Thomas Abstract Paper Interest rate statistics in Nigeria: Its sampling techniques and computational proceduresAbiola O. Adeleke Abstract Paper Quality measures in non-statistical sampling: MFI Interest Rates Statistics (MIR)Josep M. Puigvert, J. Huerga, S. Pérez-Duarte Abstract Paper
STS058: Frontiers in quantile regression
Nonparametric series quantile regression: Modeling, estimation and inferenceIvan Fernandez-Val, Alexandre Belloni, Victor Chernozhukov Abstract Paper Of quantiles, copulas, ranks and spectra: An L1 approach to spectral analysisStanislav Volgushev, Holger Dette, Marc Hallin, Tobias Kley Abstract Quantile analysis for human quantitive traits in GWAS dataYing Wei, Mengling Liu, Iuliana Lonita Laza Abstract Quantile estimation for nonstationary time seriesWei Biao Wu Abstract
STS059: Spatial and spatio-temporal models for environmental epidemiology
The INLA approach for Bayesian air quality modelsMichela Cameletti Abstract Functional kriging in air qualityRosaria Ignaccolo, Jorge Mateu, Ramon Giraldo Abstract Bayesian modelling for estimating adverse health effects of exposure to multiple air pollutants in a time series frameworkMonica Pirani, Georgios Papageorgiou, Nicky Best, Richard W. Atkinson, Gary W. Fuller Abstract Paper The effects of preferential sampling in spatial epidemiologyGavin Shaddick Abstract
STS060: Toward a better economic statistics
Use of administrative sources for statistical purposes: The Case of JordanMohammad Mahmoud Khalaf Abstract Paper Building macroeconomic models; challenges and obstacles: The Palestinian experienceMohammed S.A. Qalalwa Abstract Paper The informal sector and its impact on the Sudan economy. A case study at locality of Karari 2009.Hagir Elzubeir Abdelmageed Abstract Paper Economic censuses in Egypt and the worldMohamed Ismail, Nany Abd Elkader Hashim Abstract Paper A Perception and Exposure Local Corruption Index (PELCI): Egyptian experienceMagued Osman Abstract Paper
STS062: Synthetic establishment microdata – Enhancing access to confidential data in novel ways
The Synthetic Longitudinal Business Database: Experiences and lessons learnedLars Vilhuber, Javier Miranda Abstract SynLBD: Providing firm characteristics on synthetic establishment dataSatkartar K. Kinney, Jerome P. Reiter Abstract Replicating the synthetic LBD with German establishment dataJörg Drechsler, Lars Vilhuber Abstract Paper The Synthetic Longitudinal Business Database (SynLBD): Access to Data and Remote ProcessingThomas A. Louis, Ron S. Jarmin, Javier Miranda, Lars Vilhuber Abstract
STS063: Role of population and housing and agricultural censuses in the national statistical systems
Building a master sampling frame by linking the population and housing census with the agricultural censusPietro Gennari, Naman Keita Abstract Paper Modern approach to censuses in the case of Poland - Advantages and constraintsGra?yna Marciniak Abstract Paper A population census based on registers and a 10% survey. Methodological challenges and conclusions.Antonio Argüeso, Jorge L. Vega Abstract Paper The population and housing census in a register based statistical systemAnita Lange Abstract Paper
STS064: Statistical methods for risk management
Asymmetry and long memory in realized covarianceManabu Asai, Mike K.P. So Abstract Earthquake statistics and a FOSM seismic hazard analysis for a nuclear power plant in TaiwanJui-Pin Wang, Yun Xu Abstract Paper On the computation of seismic loss tail probability distributions for stochastic structural dynamic systemsSai Hung Cheung, Sahil Bansal Abstract A hierarchical Bayesian approach to model extreme precipitation riskRaymond K.S. Chan, Mike K.P. So Abstract Calibration of spectral risk measures for risk managementChi-Ming Wong, Mike K.P. So Abstract
STS065: Statistical techniques in heterogeneous learning
Nonparametric Bayesian multi-task learning with max-margin posterior regularizationJun Zhu Abstract Paper Bayesian inference from non-ignorable network sampling designsSimon Lunagomez, Edoardo M. Airoldi Abstract Paper A semi-parametric Bayesian framework for performance analysis of call centersXiaowei Zhang, Bangxian Wu Abstract Paper NOTAM: Nonparametric Bayes multi-task multi-view learningHongxia Yang, Jingrui He Abstract Paper Supervised heterogeneous multiview learning for joint association study and disease diagnosisZenglin Xu, Shandian Zhe, Yuan Qi, Peng Yiu Abstract Paper
STS066: The use of modern technology in statistics
The ERA of big data: Statistics, data mining in the cloud computing ERABen-Chang Shia Abstract Paper Address based sampling technique in developing countryWeidong Wang Abstract The exploration of technology in official statistics: China's experience
Jiang Shu, Pan Fan, Cong Yajing
Distributed computing and Hadoop in statisticsXiaoling Lu, Bing Zheng Abstract Paper
STS067: Using technology to improve efficiency of population censuses - Some experiences from the 2010 round
Using technology to achieve efficiencies in census - Experiences from the Abu Dhabi Census 2011Badria Abdulla Obaid, Nancy McBeth Abstract Paper Internet option for improving the efficiency of population and housing census in KoreaHyong-Joon Noh Abstract Paper Efficiency in population censuses - The situation of the European register-based 2011 CensusesEric Schulte Nordholt Abstract Paper Modern technologies in Omani CensusesKhalifa Bin Abdullah Bin Hamed Al barwani Abstract Paper
STS068: Analysis of high-dimensional data and graphs
New challenges for (biological) network inference with sparse Gaussian graphical modelsJulien Chiquet Abstract Modeling and prediction of financial trading networks: A case study in the NYMEX natural gas futures marketAbel Rodriguez, Brenda Betancourt, Naomi Boyd Abstract Paper Adaptive generalized fused-lasso: Asymptotic properties and applicationsF. Picard, V. Viallon, S. Lambert-Lacroix, H. Hoefling Abstract Global criteria for sparse penalized partial least squaresAlfred O. Hero, Tzu-Yu Liu, Laura Trinchera, Arthur Tenenhaus, Dennis Wei Abstract Dynamic patterns analysis meets social network analysis in the modeling of financial market behaviorCaterina Liberati, Paola Zappa Abstract Paper
STS069: Youth in Arab countries, facts and challenges
Iraq youth empowerment - Challenges and opportunitiesMahdi Al-Alak Abstract Paper Young Moroccans: Profile, expectations and perceptionsAbdellah Sougrati Abstract Paper The economic participation of young women in the Jordanian labor market, facts & challengesManal George Sweidan Abstract Paper The young people in Egypt 2010Salwa yousof Abd ELGhany Abstract Paper Youth and mapping poverty in PalestineHani Al-Ahmed, Fida Twam Abstract
STS070: Beyond the new public management theory: Understanding NSO operations in a changing environment
Impact of new public management theory on NSOs: An international case studyDerek Bond, Elaine Ramsey Abstract Paper The development and present status of statistics on basic characteristics of cities in ChinaXiaolong Chen Abstract Paper UK official statistics - From new public management to public valueRichard Laux Abstract Paper Open data, open cities. Case Helsinki region infoshare www.hri.fiAsta Manninen Abstract Paper New public management in an economic crisis - Reflections from CSO Ireland
Padraig Dalton
STS072: Graph theoretic methods for spatial data analysis
Graph analysis for space-time scan statisticsMarcelo A. Costa Abstract Paper The use of spatial graphs for optimal obstacle placement: A study on impact of the clutter spatial distributionVural Aksakalli, Elvan Ceyhan Abstract Paper Vulnerability analysis of weighted graphs: A measure of vulnerability of spatial network by using betweenness centralityZhe Zhang, Virrantaus Kirsi, Hannes Seppänen Aalto University Abstract Paper Testing spatial clustering using relative density of two random geometric digraph familiesElvan Ceyhan Abstract Paper
STS073: Finance and contemporary issues
A practitioner's perspective on bid-ask bounceSamuel Po-Shing Wong Abstract Time series of functional data for forecasting the yield curve and electricity pricesRituparna Sen, Claudia Klüppelberg Abstract Paper Cointegration pairs trading strategy on derivativesPak Kuen Lee, Ngai Hang Chan, Lai Fan Pun Abstract Paper Costly information, finance and firm investment: New directions of research of empirical methodologyPranab Kumar Das Abstract Paper A structural approach to credit risk in a Markov modulated marketMrinal K. Ghosh, Tamal Banerjee, Srikanth K. Iyer Abstract Paper
STS074: The services sector of the economy: Is it possible to measure?
Conceptual and practical problems measuring service productivityRoland Gnoss Abstract Paper The challenges of measuring the UK service sectorLouisa Nolan, Darren Morgan, Paul Smith, Mark Stephens Abstract Paper Measuring producer price indices and productivity growth in servicesAnne-Sophie Fraisse, Anita Wölfl Abstract Paper Price and volume measures for non-market output: State of play in Europe for health and educationMariagnese Branchi Abstract Paper
STS075: Memorial session: Gad Nathan and his contributions to survey sampling
Gad Nathan, 40 years of contributions to official statisticsLuisa Burck Abstract Paper Some issues in the design and analysis of longitudinal surveysGraham Kalton Abstract Paper Statistical disclosure control, new directions and challengesNatalie Shlomo Abstract Paper Selection always mattersT.M. Fred Smith, Roger A. Sugden Abstract Paper
STS076: Cooperation between national central banks and national statistical institutes-challenges in the next decade
Enhancing statistical co-operation in IrelandJoe McNeill Abstract Paper Adjustment of domestic value added: Need for close cooperation between the National Bank (MNB) and the Statistical Office (HCSO) - Trade balance examplePéter Bánhegyi, Péter Szabó, Zsuzsanna Sisakne Fekete Abstract Paper Cooperation between the NSI and Central Bank: The Chilean experienceRicardo Vicuña Abstract Paper The framework cooperation agreement between Oesterreichische Nationalbank and Statistics Austria: Providing official statistics in a more efficient wayWalter Stübler Abstract Paper The relationship of central banks and national statistics offices: The Australian experienceIan Ewing Abstract Paper
STS077: Central banks and the role of sample surveys in an age of abundant administrative data
Enhancing the Philippine's external sector statistics through cross border transactions surveysRosabel B. Guerrero Abstract Paper Are administrative records an alternative to sample surveys? The case of the Italian survey on household income and wealthAndrea Neri Abstract Paper Census and sample in capital surveys in BrazilKatherine Hennings, Thiago Said Vieira Abstract Paper Collecting data through surveys only when all else fails? The case of surveys in the ECBSebastian Pérez-Duarte Abstract Paper Business expectations survey in Nigeria: Its techniques, uses and challengesOlorunsola E. Olowofeso, Sani I. Doguwa Abstract Paper
STS078: Open data and statistics with special focus on urban and regional statistics
The challenge of open data and GISDerek Bond Abstract A statistical spatial framework to inform regional statisticsGemma Van Halderen, Martin Brady Abstract Paper Pulling it all together: Developing the spatiotemporal layers to support location-based integrationWendy Thomas, Tracy Kugler Abstract Paper Make your statistics work: The first results with open data in AmsterdamLieselotte Bicknese, Manilde Van Der Oord Abstract Paper The power of open statistics for advancing the smart city and citizens participationAri Jaakola Abstract Paper
STS079: Measuring real effective exchange rates
Real effective exchange rates - The BIS methodologyEl?d Takáts Abstract The effects of transit trade on measuring real effective exchange ratesBernadette Lauro, Thomas Tilley Abstract Paper Alternative measures of real effective exchange rate: A different story on price competitiveness?Biljana Davidovska Stojanova Abstract Paper Weighted average relative price (WARP): A supplement to standard real effective exchange rates (REERs)Charles P. Thomas, Jaime R. Marquez Abstract Paper
STS080: The use of microeconomic data in compiling macroeconomic statistics
Who faces higher prices? An empirical analysis based on Japanese Homescan DataNaohito Abe, Kyosuke Shiotani Abstract Paper How micro data can contribute to an extended macro statistical framework for the assessment of stability?Tardos Ágnes Abstract Paper Impact and benefits of micro-database's integration on the statistics of the Banco de PortugalPaula Menezes, Luís D’Aguiar Abstract Paper Improving the real sector confidence index for Turkey as a leading macroeconomic indicatorÖzgül Atilgan Ayano?lu, Emine Meltem Ba?tan, Gülsüm Çinar Dolgun Abstract Paper Analyzing stakeholder data: Capturing community conditions, economic inclusion and emerging issuesBárbara J. Robles, Joseph A. Firschein Abstract Paper
STS081: Measuring domestic and international inflation
Measuring core inflation for LebanonSana Souaid Jad Abstract Paper The impact of global commodity prices on inflation in MalaysiaKue-Peng Chuah, Eilyn Chong, Jay-Sern Tan Abstract Paper Discussion on inflation measurement by the Irving Fisher Committee on Central Bank StatisticsChristian Dembiermont Abstract Paper Introduction of a survey on inflation outlook of firms in the bank of Japan's short-term economic survey of enterprises in JapanMasahiro Higo, Hidenori Tanaka Abstract Paper Assessing the measurement of inflation expectations under South African inflation targetingNonhlanhla Nhlapo Abstract Paper
STS082: Reviewing measures of external debt
External debt profile of Chilean companiesValeria Orellana, Nelson Loo Abstract Paper Measuring external debt in a context of macroeconomic imbalancesJoo Cadete De Matos, Ana Margarida De Almeida, Lígia Maria Nunes, Daniela Black Miranda Abstract Paper Reviewing measures of external debt - The case of TurkeyOsman Cagatay Mutlu Abstract Paper Securities data for enhanced analysis of external debt - Challenges due to non-ISIN securitiesJyry Hokkanen, Gunnar Blomberg, Anders Lindström Abstract Paper Review of measures of private sector external debt in a small offshore financial centerVikram M. Punchoo Abstract Paper
STS083: Improving measures of capital flows including speculative flows
Global flow-of-funds: Mapping bilateral geographic flowsLuca Errico, Richard Walton, Alicia Hierro, Hanan AbuShanab, Goran Amidzic Abstract Paper Risks associated with international capital flowsPaul Van Den Bergh Abstract Paper Cross-border capital flows on gross basisLydia Troshina Abstract Paper Gaps in capital flows surveillance: Dealing with flow and valuation effects in non-resident equity holdingsTengku Muhammad Azlan Ariff, Jarratt Ma Abstract Paper Evolution of the capital flows to the Brazilian economy after 2008Katherine Hennings, Fernando Alberto Rocha Abstract Paper Capturing portfolio flows statistics - Purpose for use mattersZeph Nhleko Abstract Paper
STS084: Is distribution theory still relevant?
Confidence distribution: A sample-dependent distribution function for inferenceMin-ge Xie Abstract Paper The extreme value Birnbaum-Saunders model in athleticsM. Ivette Gomes, Marta Ferreira, Victor Leiva Abstract Paper Some recent developments in probability distributionsFelix Famoye, Carl Lee, Ayman Alzaatreh Abstract Paper Near-exact distributions - What are they and why do we need them?Carlos A. Coelho Abstract Paper How about modeling with flexible families?N. Balakrishnan Abstract
STS085: Measuring green economy
Green economy and measuring the Environmental Goods and Services Sector (EGSS)Daniel Clarke Abstract Paper Designing a method for the effective use of indicators for green economy policy makingFulai Sheng, Andrea M. Bassi, Markus Lehmann Abstract Paper Mexico's environmental accounts and derived indicatorsRaúl Figueroa Diaz Abstract Paper A measurement on green economy in Korea: Green industry statisticsKyungsam Min, Ho Seog Jung Abstract Paper
STS086: Latest development in national censuses
Evaluating the performance of coverage assessment and adjustment for the 2011 Census: What can we learn for the future?James J. Brown, Owen Abbott Abstract Results and products from the Census Coverage Measurement Program for the 2010 U.S. CensusScott Konicki Abstract Paper The census systems of China: Formulation and developmentFujiang Liu Paper Local post-stratification in censusesCheng Yong Tang Abstract
STS087: Official statistics in the service of business and industrial statisticians
What are official statistics for anyway?Steve MacFeely Abstract Paper How to motivate businesses to report and to use the official statistics?Irena Križman, Genovefa Ruži? Abstract Paper Business statistics making an impact: A personal storyJohn Pullinger Abstract Paper The opportunities for small to medium enterprises from official statisticsShirley Y. Coleman Abstract Paper Factors influencing integration of official statistics into business study programmes: In search of evidenceIrena Ograjenšek, Mojca Bavdaž, Lejla Perviz Abstract Paper
STS088: Seasonal adjustment - New statistical tools for analysing economic developments
X-13ARIMA-SEATS and iMetricaBrian C. Monsell, Chris Blakely Abstract Paper JDemetra+, an open framework for seasonal adjustmentJean Palate Abstract Paper Time series-dependent selection of an appropriate seasonal adjustment approachKarsten Webel Abstract Paper Comparing seasonally adjusted results obtained with Demetra and JDemetra+Faiz Alsuhail Abstract Paper
STS089: Fuzzy Bayesian inference
Probability measures of fuzzy setsNozer D. Singpurwalla Abstract Fuzziness and Bayesian analysis in engineeringMatthias Stein, Michael Beer, Vladik Kreinovich Abstract Paper Possibilistic Bayesian modelsS. Mahmoud Taheri, Reinhard Karl Viertl, Mohsen Arefi Abstract Paper Fuzzy probability distributions in Bayesian analysisReinhard Karl Viertl, Owat Sunanta Abstract Paper
STS090: Statistical education and thinking development
Research on the modes of statistical education and training in ChinaRongpo Xia Abstract Paper Between media datalization and statistical literacy: China's logicZhongliang Zhang, Weizi Zhang Abstract Paper Statistical modelling and mathematical modellingFengshan Bai Abstract Statistical thinking development of youngsterHui Sun Abstract
STS091: High dimension and causal inference
Preconditioning for consistency in sparse inferenceJinzhu Jia, Karl Rohe Abstract Structure analysis of high dimensional tensor dataJianxin Yin, Shiyuan He Abstract Paper Reversible MCMC on Markov equivalence classes of sparse directed acyclic graphs
Yangbo He, Jinzhu Jia, Bin Yu
Identifiability of treatment effect in a pretest-posttest study with missing dataXueli Wang, Xiaohua Zhou Abstract Acceleration of the EM algorithm using the vector epsilon accelerator and a re-starting procedureMasahiro Kuroda, Zhi Geng, Michio Sakakihara Abstract
STS093: Semiparametric inference and variable selection
Composite quantile regression for the receiver operating characteristic curveXiaogang Duan, Xiao-Hua Zhou Abstract Paper Statistical inference for right-censored data with nonignorable missing censoring indicatorsZhihua Sun, Tianfa Xie, Hua Liang Abstract Paper Efficient estimation and model selection for single-index varying-coefficient modelsPeng Lai, Qingzhao Zhang, Heng Lian, Qihua Wang Abstract Paper On a partially linear single-index transformation model and its nonparametric estimationXiao-Hua Zhou, Xiaobo Ding, Qihua Wang Abstract Dimension reduction based linear surrogate variable approach for model free variable selectionPengjie Dai, Xiaobo Ding, Qihua Wang Abstract Paper
STS094: Statistics in biopharmaceutical research
A new scheme to estimate median progression-free survival time in oncology clinical trialsPeng Li, Xing Sun, Cong Chen, Anderson Keaven Abstract Paper Statistical issues in the analysis of rodent carcinogencity studiesKeith A. Soper Abstract A univariate statistical parameter assessing effect size for multivariate responsesXiaohua Douglas Zhang Abstract Paper Power simulation of incomplete block design in early phase clinical studiesYuming Chen Abstract Adaptive designs in dose-finding oncology drug combination trialsLian Liu, Bingming Yi, Yuehui Wu Abstract
STS095: CCSA panel discussion - International statistics - Supplying international statistics for decision making
Assuring high quality international statistics: A perspective from the BIS
Paul Van den Bergh
International trade in services in statistical frameworksAndreas Maurer Abstract Paper Politics and statistics: A happy marriage?
Peter Van de Ven
New collaborations to assess the reliability and relevance of food data collected in National Household SurveysGrant Cameron Abstract Supplying evidence based international statistics for decision making
Per Nymand-Andersen
STS096: Intra-customs and trans-border statistics: Prospects for cross cooperation
Processes in trans-border areas significant impact on the economic growthMarek Cierpial-Wolan Abstract Paper The indexation and monitoring of the modern trans-border processesSerhii Ustych Abstract Paper Joint implementation of the project “Index of cross - border cooperation”Vasil Hudak Abstract Paper Poland border dialogues. Developing a CBC Index for EuropeRune Rafaelsen Abstract Intra and trans statistics: Requirements and parameters of modern IT platforms review and new paradigmsSergey Nesterov, Vasiliy Simchera Abstract Paper
CPS001: Official statistics: Census
Census innovations: Integrating the population and housing census with the Agricultural CensusNancy Chin Abstract Paper Characteristics of households using electronic questionnaire in the 2011 Population Census in Hong KongTat Shing Tsang Abstract Paper Usage of geospatial technologies in census for producing statisticsMohamed Ali Al Marri Abstract Paper Advancement in dissemination processes from Census 2005 to Census 2011 - Case study of the Abu Dhabi EmirateGhanem Khalfan Almehairbi Abstract Paper Development and challenges of the mobile-based population and housing census mapping systemJunwoo Jeon Abstract Paper Factors affecting the decision to participate in the internet option for the 2010 Census of KoreaSungjin Kim, Eunkoo Lee Abstract Paper Assessment of drawing impacts of the questionnaire in Brazilian Census of 2010Luiz Felipe Walter Barros, Gilson Gonçalves de Matos, Marden Barbosa de Campos, Gabriel Mendes Borges Abstract Paper
CPS002: Official statistics: Social statistics
Health, poverty and vulnerability between generations in SenegalHilaire Guy Adetona Hounkpodote Abstract Paper Conditions for a universal HIV screening test in Ivory Coast: A sample selected bias estimation and two new unbalanced logit estimations approachEric Dongmo Tejiogni Abstract Paper Another indicator in measuring the fertility situation of a place with very few births born outside wedlockBilly Y.G. Li Abstract Paper The complementary estimate of the Great East Japan Earthquake for the Labour Force SurveyShinichi Nagao Abstract Paper Estimation and quality of household income data from Cambodia socio-economic surveyVanndy Nor Abstract Paper The use of the victimisation survey and administrative data to examine crime under-reporting in South AfricaJoseph Lukhwareni Abstract Paper A gender analysis of youth household expenditures in UgandaStella Nassolo, Betty Nandawula Abstract Paper
CPS003: Official statistics: Economic statistics
Capitalisation of research and development expenditure in Gross Domestic ProductDaniel Kin-Leung Chan Abstract Paper Development and application of Statistical Business Register Guidelines in African countriesMichael J. Colledge, Besa Muwele Abstract Paper Building a new system of business statistics in Moldova: The experience and vision for the futureOleg Cara, Ion Partachi, Lilian Galer, Iurie Mocanu Abstract Paper Changing landscape of Hong Kong's retail salesChristine M.C. Cheung Abstract Paper Business Survey Frame for coordinated statistical productionMasato Aida Abstract Paper Sovereign debt, investment and economic growth in CameroonBorel Ntsafack Nguimfack, William Ngamou Abstract Paper Small domain estimation applied to the Brazilian service annual surveyDenise Britz do Nascimento Silva, Andre Felipe Azevedo Neves, Solange Correa Onel Abstract Paper
CPS004: Official statistics: Modelling and analyses
An age-structured two-sex model for Household Dynamics in SydneyMohammad-Reza Namazi-Rad, Payam Mokhtarian Abstract Multiple imputation of missing values in economic surveys: Comparison of competing algorithmsMasayoshi Takahashi, Takayuki Ito Abstract Paper Static input-output model mathematical base and practical applicationAhmed Fathy Ahmed Abstract A post-aggregation error record extraction based on naive Bayes for statistical survey enumerationKiyomi Shirakawa Abstract Paper Selective editing approach: An applicationMaysa Sacramento de Magalhaes, Rodrigo S. Von Doellinger, Pedro N. Silva Abstract Paper Frequency tables disclosure control for the Abu Dhabi Census 2011Miriam Hodge, Hanan Aldarmaki Abstract Paper
CPS005: Official statistics: Estimation and quality assurance
Ethiopian Data Quality Assessment Frame Work (EDQAF)Aberash Tariku Abaye Abstract Paper Establishing remote access to confidential German micro labor market dataJörg Heining, Stefan Bender Abstract Paper A note on double sampling estimate and post estimation with BLS outlier adjustmentSeokdong Kim, Sangeun Lee Abstract Paper Use of administrative records for producing official statistics in JapanShinji Ueda, Masao Takahashi Abstract Paper Implementing selective editing at Statistics FinlandMarjo Pyy-Martikainen Abstract Paper How ISO based quality management system helps to monitor and ensure quality in statisticsVilija Lap?nien?, Laura Lukšait?-Balakauskien? Abstract Paper Statistical methods for the detection of falsified data by interviewers and application survey data in AfricaSouleymane Diakite Abstract Paper Evaluation of census information through a quality indicator of the questionnairesGabriel Mendes Borges, Marden Barbosa de Campos, Gilson Gonçalves de Matos, Luiz Felipe Walter Barros Abstract Paper
CPS006: Official statistics: Survey methodology and researches
Use of hand held for CPI price data collection in EgyptNoura Hassan Ahmed Talaat Mostafa Abstract Paper Statistical web-based monitoring of the Philippine Livestock ProgramMary Ann Cruz Magtulis, Generoso G. de Guzman Abstract Paper What were the changes in consumption choices among Hong Kong's young households in recent years?James L.Y. Cheng Abstract Paper New module to forecast new weights for CPIHani Tareq Al-Ahmed, Saleh Al-Kafri Abstract Paper Some challenges of the production, analysis and dissemination of social statistics in the 'developing world'Dimitri Della Faille Abstract Paper The practice and exploration of GIS-based commercial housing price statistical system - The example of ShenzhenSha Li, Xiaoli Chong, Weiwen Wang, Jijin Geng, Zuozheng Xie Abstract Paper Research on Shenzhen's role in facilitating the transformation of Chinese migrant workersZuozheng Xie, Genrou Zhong, Hongbing Yu, Ning Tian, Yisen Wang Abstract Paper
CPS007: Statistical education
Utilizing a construct of teacher capacity to examine national curriculum reform in statistical thinking: A comparative study between China and AustraliaQinqiong Zhang, Li Tan, Max Stephens Abstract Paper Development of elementary school teacher's self-regulated learning scaleMeng Meng, Daoling Fu Abstract Paper Empirical research on the model of elementary school mathematics teaching material's difficultyQing-You Cai Abstract Paper Study of the determinants of the demand for schooling in CameroonTsakou Nazel Georges Abstract Paper Census at school: Gathering real data from and about school students in elementary school in GreeceEvanthis Chatzivasileiou, Ioannis Michalis, Christina Tsaliki, Apostolia Gioupsani Abstract Paper Issues and challenges of statistical literacy in higher educationPeter Kovacs Abstract Paper Visualization of states in online educational gamesJuergen Symanzik, Ani Aghababyan, Taylor Martin Abstract Paper
CPS008: Applications of statistics: Others (3)
Challenges of robust statistical characterization using digital image correlation technique for structural applicationsMark R. Gurvich Abstract Paper A new multiple discrete-continuous choice model for percentage-based dataXiaoling Lu, Xin Wang, Hing-Po Lo Abstract Paper Systematic approach to seasonal adjustment of time series data: Methods and exampleChuanzhong Sun Abstract Paper Determinants of child work in Cameroon: Taking into account non-linearity of the income and the space dependenceJean Faustin Kaffo, Christophe Kana Kenfack, Celestin Chameni Nembua Abstract Paper Evaluating student's correlation graphing capability using SOLO taxonomyKen W. Li, Merrilyn Goos Abstract Paper A study on statistical human joint models with application to the long-distance runningKosuke Okusa, Toshinari Kamakura Abstract Paper Informal inferential reasoning using computer-based simulations to model statistical questionsTheodosia Prodromou Abstract The reverse dimple in space-time covariance modelsAli Mohammadian Mosammam Abstract Paper
CPS009: Applications of statistics: Business and economics
Bayesian panel vector autoregressive modelsKomla Mawulom Agudze Abstract Larger datasets lead to more inaccurate credit scoringMimi Mei Ling Chong, Matt Davison Abstract Paper Measuring the intensity of local unit's locational concentration with regard to the neighborhood externality with GISHiromi Mori, Noriaki Sakamoto, Hirokazu Hasegawa Abstract Paper The effect of China's real exchange rate appreciation in the next decade - An investigation of a recursive dynamic CGE analysisXin Li Abstract Paper Income shocks, food expenditures, calorie intake and body weight: A multilevel structural equation modelling analysisStephanie von Hinke Kessler Scholder, George Leckie Abstract Paper An econometric study of the labor demand in Hong KongHo Ming Lau Abstract Paper The generalized filter trading rule under time varying volatilityLing Xin Abstract Paper
CPS010: Applications of statistics: Finance
Maximum entropy risk model in financial managementDhara Singh Hooda Abstract Paper Index development for a market with heavy-tailed distributionsYoko Tanokura, Hiroshi Tsuda, Seisho Sato, Genshiro Kitagawa Abstract Paper Cross-sectional vine copula factor modelYuk Ting Yeung, Mike K.P. So Abstract Paper Spatial GARCH: A spatial approach to multivariate volatility modellingSvetlana A. Borovkova, H.P. Lopuhaä Abstract Paper Risk-averse inference using higher moment coherent risk measuresSpiridon I. Penev, But-Elle Hatooka Abstract Paper Modeling inflation rates as long memory seasonal processesDaniel Takata Gomes, Caroline Ponce de Moraes Abstract Paper A comparison of risk return relationship in the portfolio selection modelsKen Hung, C.W. Yang, Yifan Zhao Abstract Paper
CPS011: Applications of statistics: Actuarial science and environmental studies
Ensemble operational air quality in Europe - Improving modeling platforms with statistical modelingAnthony Ung, Laure Malherbe, Frederik Meleux, Bertrand Bessagnet, Laurence Rouil Abstract Paper Evaluation of statistical methods for forecasting mortality: The Lee-Carter method and its alternativeTaku Yamamoto, Hiroaki Chigira, Chisako Yamamoto Abstract Paper Claim incidence models with varying exposure in automobile insuranceLinda Elin Walter Abstract Paper A comparative study on the relationship between environment and economy based on the classical statistics and Bayesian statistics - A case study of Gansu provinceJun Li Wang, Dequn Zhou, Peng Zhou, Yongyu Wang, Maoxi Tian Abstract Paper An ordered probit model for seismic intensity dataClarissa Ferrari, Michela Cameletti, Valerio De Rubeis, Patrizia Tosi Abstract A technique of incorporating spatial dependence in MSSA forecastsRichard Opaka Awichi Abstract Paper Local atmospheric pollution evolution through time series analysisGiuliana Passamani, Paola Masotti Abstract Paper
CPS012: Applications of statistics: Reliability and quality improvement
Reliability and profit analysis of a computer system with hardware repair and software replacement subject to conditional arrival time of serverSuresh Chander Malik Abstract Paper Analysis of a computer system with arrival time of the server and priority to h/w repair over s/w replacementJoginder Kumar Sureria Abstract Paper Correlation paradox of binary classification systemTamar Gadrich, Emil Bashkansky Abstract Paper Multi-criteria variable selection for process monitoringLuan Jaupi, Philippe Durand, Dariush Ghorbanzadeh, Dyah E. Herwindiati Abstract Paper Designed experiments in development of a predictive index for pancreas cancerKlaus Kaae Andersen, Julia S. Johansen, Nicolai A. Schultz, Christian Dehlendorff Abstract A general bias correction method for the estimation of Weibull common shape parameterYan Shen Abstract Paper Bootstrap confidence interval for modified linear regression estimation of the population meanSri Haryatmi kartiko Abstract Paper Quantifying nanoparticle dispersion in polymer nanocomposites using TEM micrographsXiaodong Li, Jionghua Jin, Dawei Huang, Dan Yu, Zhong Zhang, Hui Zhang Abstract
CPS013: Applications of statistics: Others (1)
Parameter estimation of production functions based on Social Accounting Matrices (SAM) in General Equilibrium (GE) model framework computationGuido Ferrari, Luca Secondi Abstract Paper Stochastic model of the dynamics of Chagas disease in urban scenariosMaria Del Carmen Fabrizio, Norberto J. Bartoloni Abstract Paper Determinants of anaemia among young children in Nigeria: A Bayesian hierarchical modellingEzra Gayawan, Samson B. Adebayo, Ekundayo D. Arogundade Abstract Use of pseudo-likelihood approach in longitudinal educational surveysZhihui Fu Abstract Paper Sparse principal component analysis incorporating stability selectionMartin Sill Abstract Paper Bayesian population projections with model uncertaintyPeter W.F. Smith, Arkadiusz Wisniowski, Jakub Bijak, James Raymer Abstract
CPS014: Applications of statistics: Others (2)
Application of robust statistical optimal designs for growth rate models in predictive food microbiologyJean-Pierre Gauchi, Jean-Christophe Augustin Abstract Paper Structural equation modeling in the assessment of a vaccine qualityViviana Parreño, Maria Virginia López, Marta Quaglino, Norberto J. Bartoloni Abstract Vertical data integration for melanoma prognosisKaushala Jayawardana, Samuel Mueller, Sarah-Jane Schramm, Graham J. Mann, Jean Yang Abstract Paper A coupled finite mixture model for transcriptional module discoveryHan Li, Xiaodan Fan Abstract Paper Survival analysis of dental implantsAndrew Kai Ming Kwan, Fu Lee Wang, Tak-Kun Chow Abstract Paper The evaluation of evidence for autocorrelated Data: With an example relating to traces of cocaine on banknotesAmy Wilson, Colin Aitken, Richard Sleeman, Jim Carter Abstract Paper Questions that count: A livestock module for multi-topic household surveysUgo Pica-Ciamarra, Alberto Zezza, Derek Baker, Nancy Morgan Abstract Paper A novel statistical image fusion rule for noisy source imagesTamanna Howlader, Fatema Tuz Jhohura, S.M. Mahbubur Rahman Abstract Paper
CPS015: Survey methodology
Measures of privacy in randomized response surveys for quantitative stigmatizing variablesMausumi Bose Abstract Paper Model fitting tests in the analysis of panel dataMarcel D.T. Vieira Abstract Paper Comparative studies on survey sampling bias in cross-cultural social researchYuejun Zheng Abstract Paper Bayesian randomized response techniqueSiu Wa Chung, Mike K.P. So Abstract Paper Empirical likelihood confidence regions for regression parameters under unequal probability samplingYves Guy Berger Abstract Paper Estimation of confidence intervals for quantiles under unequal probability sampling using a new empirical likelihood approachOmar De La Riva Torres, Yves G. Berger Abstract Paper A composite estimator for cut-off samplingHee-Jin Hwang, Key-Il Shin Abstract Paper
CPS016: Survey sampling
A new sampling scheme for partial non-response situations with multiple objectivesShowkat Maqbool Abstract Paper Improved estimation of population mean in stratified random sampling using information on auxiliary attributeNursel Koyuncu Abstract Paper Economic efficiency of the LTPD sampling plans for inspection by variables when the remainder of rejected lots is inspectedNikola Kasprikova, Jindrich Klufa Abstract Paper Cut-off sampling for log-normal distributionSang Eun Lee, Key-Il Shin Abstract Paper Designing household samples in Brazil using the 2010 Census enumeration area frameSmela Batista Arantes, Pedro Luis Do Nascimento Silva Abstract Paper Using principal component scores as stratification variable: An alternative to multiple frame sampling methodologyKevin Carl Peña Santos, Erniel B. Barrios Abstract Paper Surveying kindergarten children in the absence of a sampling frame: A study in indirect samplingHans Kiesl Abstract Paper The first phase order sampling for the second phase stratificationDanute Krapavickaite Abstract Paper
CPS017: Survey estimation
A highly accurate simple small area confidence interval methodMasayo Yoshimori, Partha Lahiri Abstract Paper Missing values imputation in a load curves sample: An approach combining time series and survey sampling techniquesAnne de Moliner Abstract Paper Calibration versus other reweighting methods in surveysSeppo Laaksonen Abstract Paper A comparison of methods to estimate poverty indexes in small samplesGiuseppe de Abreu Antonaci, Pedro L.N. Sliva, Fernando Moura Abstract Paper Statistical characteristics of environmental consciousness and pro-environmental behavior in East AsiaMie Fujiki, Yuejun Zheng Abstract Paper On recent developments of cross-sectional weighting schemes for children in the Swiss Household PanelMartina Rothenbühler, Eric Graf, Alina Matei Abstract Paper Environmental attitudes and behaviour towards Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant nearby Hong KongIris M.H. Yeung, William Chung Abstract Paper
CPS018: Statistical theory and methodology: Theory of statistics (1)
Simultaneous selection and estimation of the largest normal mean by confidence statement approachYoshikazu Takada Abstract Paper Examining the role of a non-informative prior function through weakly informative prior densitiesTakemi Yanagimoto, Toshio Ohnishi Abstract Paper Measuring the distance between images and image uncertainty using wavelet decompositions and the Earth mover's DistanceRoy E. Welsch, Yunfan Tang Abstract Paper Anderson-Darling type goodness-of-fit statistic based on a multifold integrated empirical distribution functionSatoshi Kuriki, Hsien-Kuei Hwang Abstract Paper On the bootstrap approach for support vector machines and related kernel based methodsAndreas Christmann, Robert Hable Abstract Paper Dual roles of maximizing likelihood and Shannon entropy in Bayesian predictionToshio Ohnishi, Takemi Yanagimoto Abstract Paper Hardy's condition in the moment problem for probability distributionsGwo Dong Lin, Jordan Stoyanov Abstract Paper Detection of a random sequence of disordersKrzysztof J. Szajowski, Aleksandra Ochman-Gozdek Abstract Paper
CPS019: Statistical theory and methodology: Statistical modelling
Detecting a wide diversity of associations in very large data setsSusan Ruth Wilson, Christopher Pardy Abstract Paper On a mixture of Gaussian copula graphical modelWai Ming Li, Mike K.P. So Abstract Paper Nonparametric regression for spherical dataCharles C. Taylor, Marco Di Marzio, Agnese Panzera Abstract Errors-in-variables beta regression modelsSilvia L.P. Ferrari, Jalmar M.F. Carrasco, Reinaldo B. Arellano-Valle Abstract Paper Measure of symmetry with minimum variance for square contingency tablesKouji Yamamoto, Kouji Tahata, Sadao Tomizawa Abstract Paper Zero-inflated Poisson regression mixture modelsHwa Kyung Lim, Wai Keung Li, Philip Leung Ho Yu Abstract Paper Expectation maximization algorithms for estimating Bernstein copula densityXiaoling Dou, Satoshi Kuriki, Gwo Dong Lin Abstract Paper
CPS020: Statistical theory and methodology: Statistical inference (1)
Informative measures of significance for constructing intelligent feature weightsSamuel Mueller, Tanya P. Garcia, Raymond J. Carroll Abstract Paper Construction of efficient fractional factorial designs for general factorials under a baseline parametrizationRahul Mukerjee Abstract Paper Variable selection in Cox regression models with varying coefficientsToshio Honda, Wolfgang Karl Hardle Abstract Paper On generalized degrees of freedom and their application in linear mixed model selectionChong You, Samuel Müller, John Ormerod Abstract Paper Depth based methods for estimation a conditional distribution function in data streamsDaniel Kosiorowski Abstract Paper Model selection for semiparametric Bayesian models with application to overdispersionJinfang Wang, Yiping Tang Paper Maximum likelihood logistic regression with auxiliary information for probabilistically linked dataGunky Kim, Ray Chambers Abstract Paper Contaminated variance-mean mixing modelThomas Fung, Joanna J.J. Wang, Eugene Seneta Abstract Paper
CPS021: Statistical theory and methodology: Statistical inference (2)
Deterministic algorithms for robust covariance and regressionPeter J. Rousseeuw, Mia Hubert, Tim Verdonck, Kaveh Vakili, Dina Vanpaemel Abstract Two digit testing for Benford's LawDieter William Joenssen Abstract Paper Theoretical considerations for multivariate functional data analysisYoshiharu Sato Abstract Paper A model selection criterion for LASSOHo Yin Ho, Man-Yu Wong Abstract Fuzzy clustering based correlation and its application to principal component analysisMika Sato-Ilic Abstract Paper Identifying special structures in interval-data via model-based clusteringPaula Brito, A. Pedro Duarte Silva, Jose G. Dias Abstract Paper Quaternary-code designs: A better choice of design for experimentationFrederick Kin Hing Phoa Abstract Paper
CPS022: Statistical theory and methodology: Time series analysis
Poisson autoregressive and moving-average models for forecasting non-stationary seasonal time series of tourist counts in MauritiusVandna Jowaheer, Naushad Ali Mamode Khan, Yuvraj Sunecher Abstract Paper Bootstrap joint prediction regionsMichael Wolf, Dan Wunderli Abstract Paper Wavelet estimation of functional coefficient regression modelsPedro Alberto Morettin, Michel H. Montoril, Chang Chiann Abstract Paper Bootstrapping realized bipower variationGang Feng, Jens-Peter Kreiss Abstract Extensions of the autoregressive Sieve bootstrap to multivariate and spatial time seriesMarco Meyer, Jens-Peter Kreiss Abstract Multivariate linear processes with observations taken at different frequencies in each componentTobias Niebuhr, Marco Meyer Abstract Measuring bivariate average treatment effectPatrick Franco Alves, Gustavo T.L. Da Costa Abstract Paper A Bayesian approach to indirect-VaR TGARCH modelsYuzhi Cai Abstract
CPS023: Statistical theory and methodology: Others
Joint modelling of spatial correlation of infant and child mortality in AfghanistanOyelola A. Adegboye, Danelle Kotze Abstract Nonparametric approach for spatial-temporal modelTingjin Chu Abstract Paper An algorithm for Bayesian variable selection in high-dimensional generalized linear modelsVitara Pungpapong Abstract Paper Bayesian hierarchical spatial-temporal modelsYixin Wang, Mike K.P. So Abstract Paper A strategy for multiple linkage disequilibrium mapping methods to validate additive QTLYi Li, Jong-Joo Kim, Kwan-Suk Kim Abstract Paper The standardized robust LM test of spatial lag model and its asymptotical performanceLihu Liu, Zhengming Qian Abstract A class of semiparametric estimator for long-range dependent multivariate processesSilvia Regina Costa Lopes, Guilherme Pumi Abstract Paper
CPS024: Statistical theory and methodology: Theory of statistics (2)
Stochastic guaranteed cost control of Markovian jumping singular systemsGrienggrai Rajchakit Abstract Delta method on bootstrapping of autoregressive processBambang Suprihatin, Suryo Guritno, Sri Haryatmi Abstract Paper Estimation for binomial proportions from pooled samples using an objective priorLizanne Raubenheimer, Abrie J. Van Der Merwe Abstract Paper Superiority conditions of shrinkage estimator in Laplacian class of elliptical modelsMohammad Arashi, A. Bekker Abstract Paper A randomized nonparametric statistic for multivariate multisample testing hypothesisHidetoshi Murakami Abstract Paper Realized skewness at high frequency and link to conditional market premiumZhi Liu, Kent Wang, Junwei Liu Abstract Paper Optimal design of cumulative sum control charts under shift uncertaintyLianjie Shu, Wenpo Huang, Wei Jiang Abstract Paper Outlier detection using the outlier probability for robust linear regressionKa-Veng Yuen, He-Qing Mu Abstract Paper
CPS025: Statistical computing
Semiparametric Poisson regression model in clustered dataErniel B. Barrios, Eiffel A. de Vera Abstract Paper Openstyle academic hotpots extracting algorithm based on penalized network random block modelXing Wang Abstract Paper Holonomic descent minimization method for the restricted maximum likelihood estimationRieko Sakurai, Toshio Sakata Abstract Paper Efficient computation of maximum likelihood estimators of hierarchical subspace modelsHara Hisayuki Abstract Paper An optimization approach applied the multivariate optimal allocation in stratified sample designsJosé André M. Brito, Gustavo Silva Semaan, Flávio Marcelo Tavares Montenegro Abstract Metric learning for nearest neighbor classificationAkarin Phaibulpanich, Kerby Shedden Abstract Paper Sliced inverse regression for the interval-valued symbolic dataHan-Ming Wu Abstract A social network based surveillance and spatio-temporal visualization toolLilia Leticia Ramirez, Yulia R. Gel, Mary E. Thompson, Eileen De Villa, Matt McPherson Abstract
CPS026: Research on statistical theory and practices in China
BRICS international competitiveness on innovation capacity-evidence from cross countries comparisonBin Gu, Yilin Wu Abstract Paper IPFP: An improved parallel FP-growth algorithm for frequent itemsets miningDawen Xia, Zili Zhang, Yanhui Zhou, Zhoubo Rong Abstract Paper Research on the construction of industrial R&D price index in China - Taking large and medium-sized industry for exampleFacang Zhu, Yan Zhang Abstract Paper Expanded dual system estimation model and its matching properties in census coverage error measurementRan Tao Abstract Paper Asymptotic expansions for moments of skew normal extremesXin Liao, Zuoxiang Peng, Saralees Nadarajah Abstract Paper Quasi maximum likelihood estimation for non-stationary TGARCH(1, 1) modelsHui Wang, Jiazhu Pan Abstract Paper
CPS027: Research on statistical method and application in China
Processing trade, sunk costs, firm heterogeneity and export behaviorXiaojuan Xu, Minxue Gao Abstract Paper Analysis of living status of the married migrant youth based on a sampling surveyQin Yin, Yong Wen, You-Liang Shuai, Zhan-Hong Zong, Pei Xu Abstract Paper The study of direct energy consumption of urban residents in China based on the modified IPAT- LMDI modelShigai Chai Abstract Paper The human capital investment model based on the stochastic control problemYang Yu Abstract Paper New trends in the research of young people's digital life in mainland China: Case study of current digital life status of citizens of two Beijing districtsKeqing Yang, Huixin Ke Abstract Paper A study on sample assessment method in sampling surveyYi Zhou, Zuyuan Xiong, Li Zhu Abstract Paper
CPS028: Statistical measurement of urban development (Beijing)
Studies on the sharing of government information resourcesWen Zhang, Xiaowei Hou, Chunxian Wu, Kongming Qiu, Xiaolu Wang, Bin Wang, Shijun Xu Abstract Paper Comparative research on innovation capabilities among enterprises in Beijing, Tianjin and ShanghaiZhao Jin, Zexing Chen, Xiaomei Song, Bin Wang, Peng Zhang Abstract Paper Analysis on factors influencing Beijing's aim for per capita GDP to reach $20,000Sining Huang, Li Xie Abstract Paper Evaluation and monitoring system on urban modern agriculture in BeijingXiao Qiong Yang, Sujie Meng, Jinzeng Wang, Dongchun Ma, Yanyan Wang, Dongjuan Zhan Abstract Paper Law of real estate development in international metropolises and its inspiration on BeijingChangyuan Zhong, Qinfang Xia, Youliang Li, Yan Feng, Tao Shen Abstract Paper Characteristics and regular pattern study of floating population in BeijingHui An, Yanzhou Gu, Jiangqian Pang, Ge Yang, Zengyong Li Abstract Paper Statistical methods and empirical research on consumer services in BeijingYan Xu Abstract Paper Research on statistical and investigating methods of utilizing new energy and renewable energy in BeijingTing Xue, Leqiang Wang, Rui Zhou, Qilong Zhang, Xiuyu Fang, Weichen Lai, Xin Li Abstract Paper
CPS029: Winners of 2012 SASA Young African Statisticians Competition (I)
Optimal bank's liquidity supply by the central bank: A microeconomic approachJules Valery Tinang Nzesseu Abstract Paper Least squares estimation based on order statistics in location-scale families of distributionsRuaan Van Zyl, Robert Schall Abstract Paper The MDS-GUI: A graphical user interface for comprehensive multidimensional scaling applicationsAndrew William Timm, Sugnet Gardner-Lubbe Abstract Paper The construction of a partial least squares biplotOpeoluwa Oyedele, Sugnet Gardner-Lubbe Abstract Paper Using vital registration to quantify HIV mortality in South Africa between 1997 and 2009William Tinashe Msemburi, R.E. Dorrington, D. Bradshaw, Sa Nbd Team Abstract Paper Estimating the causal effect of school size on educational attainmentOswald Koussihouèdé Abstract Paper An application of correspondence analysis to social psychologyMercy Munemo Abstract Paper
CPS030: Winners of 2012 SASA Young African Statisticians Competition (II)
Quantitative trait linkage analysis for different human family typesUshma Galal, Lize Van Der Merwe Abstract Paper Road accidents in Kenya: A case of poor road network or human error?Leacky Kamau Muchene Abstract Paper Impact of adoption of improved rice varieties on income and poverty reduction among rice farmers in CameroonBanawe Plambou Anissa Abstract Paper Direct tax revenue and its contribution to Uganda's economic growthNewton Britin Akiza Abstract Paper Poverty alleviation in Burkina Faso: An analytical approachHervé Jean Louis Guene Abstract Paper Determinants and impact of non-registration birth on the children in CamerounTchagang Ariane Wakap Abstract Paper Modelling occupational exposure using a random effects model: A Bayesian approachJustin Harvey, Abrie J. Van Der Merwe Abstract Paper
CPS031: Participants sponsored by World Bank Fund (I)
Comparison of some selected values of the constants of Basit and Shahbaz selection procedure under unequal probability sampling without replacementOmotola Omotayo Dawodu Abstract Paper Variable selection with the modified Buckley-James method and the Dantzig selector for high-dimensional survival dataMd Hasinur Rahaman Khan, J. Ewart H. Shaw Abstract Paper A projection based nonparametric test of conditional quantile independence with an application to bank's systemic riskMilan Nedeljkovic Abstract Statistical inference based on progressively type II censored data from Weibull modelMohammad Z. Raqab, Raed R. Abu Awwad, Intesar Al-Mudahakha Abstract Paper Assessing discriminatory ability of random effects logistic models for clustered binary outcomesMohammad Shafiqur Rahman, Gareth Ambler, Rumana Omar Abstract Paper Modeling volatility of price of some selected agricultural products in Ethiopia: ARIMA-GARCH applications
Yegnanew Alem Shiferaw
Assessing the impact of environmental degradation on children's health: The contribution of stochastic modeling
Mahamadi Balima
Exploring the impact of scaling techniques on classification accuracy of nmr metabolomic data using plsa-da and opls-daJean-Pierre Labuschagne Abstract
CPS034: Awardees of Wakimoto Memorial Fund and Cochran-Hansen Prize
Model-based clustering with non-parametric initializationKyungduk Lim Abstract Berry-Esséen bounds and almost sure CLT for the quadratic variation of the bifractional Brownian motionAazizi Soufiane Abstract Paper Performance of bilinear autoregressive moving average models: Using demographic time series dataSamuel Abera Zewdie, Ermias Dessie Abstract Paper The impact of demographic changes on economic growth in EgyptMahmoud Mohamed Elsarawy Abstract Paper Determinants of export diversification at all margins. Case Study: South KoreaEmbareka Farouk Abstract Paper An unequal-probability replication variance estimator for large-entropy sampling designsEscobar López Emilio Abstract The best estimation for high-dimensional Markowitz mean-variance optimizationHua Li, Zhidong Bai, Wing-Keung Wong Abstract Paper
CPS101: Poster spotlight (1)
Child labor in agricultural households in Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast and Mali: Test of the luxury axiom by a fuzzy sets theory approachKodzovi Senu Abalo Abstract Measuring inclusive growth in developing countries using micro-based pseudo-panel dataArturo Martinez Abstract Youth situation and its effect on future of the worldBehzad Mahmoodi Abstract Paper Survival analysis of time to treatment resumption for chronic HIV-1 patients interrupting highly actively antiretroviral therapy (HAART)Berhanu Anagaw Wubie, Fentaw Abegaz Abstract Urban and rural trends in South AfricaSharthi Laldaparsad Abstract Paper Measuring the extent of gender segregation in labour market of South AfricaAkhona Nkenkana, Desiree Manamela Abstract Comparative study on the importance of the civil registration statisticsPatrick Nshimiyimana Abstract Paper Healthiness in Cameroon: Typology of housings in urban areasAdrien Deungoua Kouanda Abstract The impact of the economic recession on long-term unemployment in Central-European countriesTomas Pavelka, Tomas Löster Abstract Paper Analysis of the evolution of education inequality in CameroonGuillaume Gustave Dongmo Nandong, Pierre Joubert Nguetse Abstract Paper Risk factors to the health of adolescents: Results of national survey of adolescent's health in BrazilSandra Pereira, Marco Andreazzi, Fatima Madeira, Maria Goreth Santos Abstract Assessment of policy implementation of Ubudehe Program and its impact on the lives of VUP beneficiaries in Ngororero District, RwandaFrancisca Mujawase Abstract Paper Trends in the South African labor market from 1996 - 2011: Insights from CensusesMoses Mafika Sithole, Yakubu A. Yakubu Abstract
CPS102: Poster spotlight (2)
Sampling methods in price indices for calculating elementary aggregatesEbrahim Nasirifar Abstract Paper Impact of rising oil prices on the living cost in Burkina FasoOuedraogo Alexandre Abstract Paper Relationship between the price of oil and the cost of living in Cameroon, Ivory Coast and Senegal: A modeling with variable coefficientsJean-Claude Nguemeni Abstract Paper The role of informal sector in alleviating youth unemployment in Hawassa City, EthiopiaTefera Darge Delbiso Abstract Paper The best stratification to impute missing values of turnover in economic surveysTakayuki Ito, Yutaka Abe, Tatsuo Noro Abstract Paper The impact of the fluctuations in oil prices on overall economic growthRehab Abd Elgillil Mohamed Abo Kahla Abstract Influence of mathematical models on warrant pricing with fractional Brownian Motion as numerical methodMukhethwa Londani Abstract Paper Factors affecting use of modern family planning methods among women in Hoima town councilIvan None Kayigwa Abstract Paper Statistical bodies in Egypt: An overall viewFayez Mourad Mina Tanious Abstract Paper Estimation the yield curve of Nelson-Siegel model and its extensions by L-BFGS-B method optimization approachMuslim, Dedi Rosadi, Gunardi, Abdurakhman Abstract Paper On rapid increase of households in South Africa and implications on delivery of basic servicesRemigius Chidozie Nnadozie Abstract The link between unemployment and inflation using Johansen's co-integration approach and vector error correction modellingSagaren Pillay Abstract Paper Calibrated estimation of a nonparametric income distribution from a few percentilesStefan Sperlich, Jing Dai, Ignacio Moral-Arce Abstract Paper From complex unstructured heterogeneous massive data to symbolic data analysisEdwin Diday Abstract
CPS103: Poster spotlight (3)
Over-reporting of household consumption expenditure estimates in the fifth round of Ghana living standards surveyNicholas N.N. Nsowah-Nuamah, L. Munyakazi, J. Dede Anum Abstract Paper Sectoral concentration in industry statistics - Opportunities and challengesKaisy King-Chi Hung Abstract Paper Revision studies of Balance of Payments and International Investment Position statistics of Hong KongMatthew Tsz-Lim Wong, Kin Cheong Chan Abstract Paper The Philippine statistical capacity building initiatives: Past and futureJesusa Acab Pe Benito, Mary Ann C. Magtulis Abstract Paper Seasonally adjusted time seriesMohamed Abd Elfattah Abstract Better targeting of social programs based on statistical evidence: An experimental approachJosé E. Vila, José L. Cervera-Ferri, Penélope Hernández Abstract Right censored Rayleigh model: Shrinkage and reliability estimatorsJohan Ferreira, A. Bekker, J.J.J. Roux, M. Arashi Abstract Paper Management of public finance and sustainable growth in a developing country: The case of CameroonErnestine Christine Alima Ndongo Abstract The development of methodologies to better get information from health services in BrazilMarco Antonio Ratzsch Andreazzi, Fatima Maderia, Sandra Pereira Abstract HIV/AIDs in peadiatrics: What has majorly caused its prevalence in rural Uganda?Naiga Sarah Noah Abstract Cross-census assessment of age-sex ratiosLara L. Cleveland Abstract Paper The IPUMS International Census Microdata ProjectMatthew Sobek, Patricia Kelly Hall, Lara L. Cleveland Abstract Paper Exploristica - Adventures in statistics: A new itinerant exhibition for teaching and learning statisticsPedro Moreira Campos Abstract Paper Maximally robust designs for two-level main-effect plansShin-Fu Tsai, Chen-Tuo Liao Abstract Paper Statistics education for 4-9th students by developing a software K-PlotsJung Jin Lee Abstract Paper An analysis of online ratings dataChiu-Hsing Weng, Chien-Lang Su, Sun-Hao Chang Abstract Paper Data processing's role and issues in the 2010 round of Population and Housing Censuses: The case of GhanaKwadwo B. Danso-Manu, Samilia E. Mintah Abstract Paper Principal subsets analysisMaryam Tayefi Nasrabadi, Sharad Gore Abstract Paper
CPS104: Poster spotlight (4)
Impact of gender wage differentials on poverty and inequalities in Cameroon: A distributional approachPierre Joubert Nguetse Tegoum, Luc Nembot Ndeffo, Justin Bem, Sandra Kendo Abstract Paper Modeling cassava production in Nigeria using Box-Jenkins approachOludare Samuel Ariyo, Samuel O. Akweagbo Abstract A discussion of the upper limit of human longevity based on study of data for oldest old survivors and deaths in JapanNobutane Hanayama Abstract Paper The role of statistics in promoting good governance in Nigeria's democracyYusuf Adamu Abstract Paper Youth labor market information system (YLMIS)Salahideen M. Alhaj Abstract Evaluating response based segmentation in PLS path modelingJacob Eskildsen, Rick Edgeman, Dan Mønster, John Vestergaard Olesen Abstract Paper Measures of portfolio credit risk by applying asymptotic single-risk factor modelKevin Chan, Andrew Kai Ming Kwan, Ted Yu Abstract Paper A study on the variation of main industry for Korean enterprises using the panelized Survey of Business Activities dataHyun Kyung Kim Abstract Paper Liability dollarization in corporate sector and real exchange rate balance sheet effect in TurkeyBengu Alp, Erdal Ozmen Abstract An econometric analysis of corporate financial condition and wage structure based on Japanese firm-level microdataShinsuke Ito, Takahisa Dejima Abstract Paper Impact of integrated village saving and loan program: Empirical evidences from the northern part of EthiopiaFekadu Nigussie Deresse, Germán Calfat Abstract Paper Estimating counterfactual distributions through reweighting methodsLaurent Donzé Abstract Paper International comparison of productivity growth in China, Japan and South KoreaHiroshi Izumi, Yanjuan Dai, Jie Li Abstract Paper Improving the accuracy of time-driven activity-based costing by stochastic modellingLea Vermeire, Sophie Hoozée, Werner Bruggeman Abstract Paper A new complexity measure to classify ambulatory patients in rehabilitation facilities for financing purposesDália Nogueira, Elizabeth Reis, Abdul Suleman, José G. Dias, Claudia M. Borges Abstract Paper The research on connotation and measurement of technology innovation capability of cityJingli Xing, Zhongliang Zhang Abstract Paper
CPS105: Poster spotlight (5)
Analysis of frailty-based competing risk data from repairable systemsAnupap Somboonsavatdee Abstract Paper Determinants of child survival chances in rural EthiopiaErmias Dessie Buli Abstract Paper Meta-analysis of the evidence-based practices research reports in social services in Hong Kong (1998-2012)Ka-Shi Kwong Abstract Paper Poverty and safeguarding of the environmentArouna Sow Abstract Paper Dynamic causal modelling and structural equation models on fMRI experiments. A meta-analytic approachJoan Guàrdia-Olmos, Maribel Peró-Cebollero, Esteve Gudayol-Ferré Abstract Paper Using SEM library of R software to analyze exploratory structural equation modelsMaribel Pero-Cebollero, Joan Guàrdia-Olmos, Sonia Benítez-Borrego, John Fox Abstract Paper A discussion of association between the risks on breast and liver cancer for women based on data given by age and periodKatsuya Harigae, Nobutane Hanayama Abstract Paper Effect of behavior and clinical factors on pregnancyRashid Nguama Adrama Abstract Paper Analysis of indicators of perceived happiness of Venezuelan householdsJohana Valera, José Ruette Abstract Paper Time series analysis of births at Iganga Hospital (2008-2012) in UgandaJoseph Waiswa Akuze, Peter Waiswa Abstract Software reliability for multi-type defects: Application to modern bug databasesAnup Dewanji, Vignesh T.L. Subrahmaniam, Bimal K. Roy Abstract Paper A methodology to interpret multivariate T squared control chart signalsTeodoro R. García León, Maura L. Vásquez, Guillermo Ramírez, Carolina Pérez Abstract Paper Impact evaluation framework for government-based projectsAna Julia Javier Macaraig, Arturo Y. Pacificador, Jr, Mary Ann C. Magtulis Abstract Paper
CPS106: Poster spotlight (6)
Analysis of food self-sufficiency in rice in SenegalAdjélé Latzey Wilson Abstract Paper Estimation of golf course ratings from player scoresPeter Francis Preston Abstract Paper Creative class formation: International comparisons, statistical evaluation and forecastMaria Vladimirovna Frolova, Elena V. Zarova Abstract Paper Trends of cluster malnutrition prevalence and hunger pattern in Kazaure local government area of Jigawa State, north-eastern Nigeria (2010 - 2012)Anthony Ekpo, Enobong F. Udoumoh Abstract Paper Generalization of the mixture model using a copula functionLuiz K. Hotta, Rodrigo Tsai Abstract Paper Multiple imputation reducing outlier effect by weight adjustment methodJinyoung Kim, Key-Il Shin Abstract Paper Longitudinal analysis of the cognitive function of the elderly in TaiwanHsing-Yi Chang, Ting-Yu Chen Abstract Paper Analysis of longitudinal data under complex surveysAbdulhakeem A.H. Eideh Abstract Survey nonresponse adjustments in the application of methods for the treatment of sensitive questionsLeonardo Trujillo, Luz Mery Gonzalez Abstract Paper Increasing survey statistics precision using split questionnaire design: An application of small area estimationSaeideh Kamgarsangari, Hamidreza Navvabpour Abstract Paper Estimation of population mean when the population mean of auxiliary character is not knownManish Kumar Sharma, Sharad Bhatnagar Abstract Paper Does our culture promote abuse? Bridewealth and domestic violence in GhanaKamil Fuseini Abstract Paper A visit to modelling field jute variety trials - Indian perspectiveKalyan Kumar Goswami, Satyabrata Pal Abstract Paper Reproducibility and its impact on power in microRNA experimentsChristian Dehlendorff, Julia S. Johansen, Nicolai A. Schultz, Klaus K. Andersen Abstract Exponential ratio type estimators of population mean under non responseParamdeep Kaur, Lovleen Kumar Grover Abstract Paper Indirect sampling using dual frame surveysManuela Maia Abstract Questionnaire design and response propensities for employee income micro dataReza Che Daniels Abstract Paper Underlying motivational indicators behind voting behavior in major elections: A statistical methodologyDhiren Ghosh Abstract Paper Segmentation by bayesian edge detection applied to medical ultrasound images
Mulugeta Tesfa
CPS107: Poster spotlight (7)
On decomposition of point-symmetry in square contingency tablesKouji Tahata Abstract Paper United statistical algorithms, LP comoments, copula density, nonparametric modelingEmanuel Parzen, Subhadeep Mukhopadhyay Abstract Paper Is there a best kernel density estimator?Kairat T. Mynbaev, Saralees Nadarajah, Christopher S. Withers, Aziza S. Aipenova Abstract Paper An overview of the generalized multivariate beta type II distribution and its extensionsKarien Adamski, Andriëtte Bekker, Schalk Human, Kotie Roux Abstract Epidemiological model of female caregiver burden in low income areas in Cape Town - South AfricaA. Yakubu Almumin Yakubu, de Wet Schutte Abstract Search for top-k consensus objects in multiple ranked lists: TopKInference versus other recent proceduresVendula Svendova, Michael G. Schimek Abstract Paper Made in Italy firms competitiveness: A multilevel longitudinal model on export performanceMatilde Bini, Margherita Velucchi Abstract Paper Respondent-driven sampling and random walks on directed networksJens Malmros, Tom Britton Abstract Asymptotic concentration probabilities of the Pitman estimator and weighted estimators in the non-regular caseNao Ohyauchi Abstract Paper Iterative estimation for conditional estimating equationsWeiyu Li, Valentin Patilea Abstract Paper
CPS108: Poster spotlight (8)
Spatial analysis of women equalities and women's empowerment in EgyptEman Ahmed Oriby Abstract Paper On phase II nonparametric CUSUM exceedance control charts for unknown locationMarien Alet Graham, Subhabrata Chakraborti, Amitava Mukherjee Abstract Paper Modeling the residual error variance in two-level random-coefficient multilevel modelsGeorge Leckie Abstract Paper The determinants of birth interval in rural EthiopiaWondiber Nega Melese, Eshetu Woncheko Abstract Paper Spline estimation of functional coefficient regression models for nonlinear time series with correlated errorsChang Chiann, Michel H. Montoril, Pedro A. Morettin Abstract Paper Bootstrap variable selection for tobit and logistic regressions to predict left ventricular contractility after acute myocardial infarction with a new panel of microRNAsOlivier Collignon, Yvan Devaux, Melanie Vausort, Gerry P. Mccann, Dominic Kelly, Leong L. Ng, Daniel R. Wagner, Iain B. Squire Abstract Modelling clustered survival data with cured fractionAngela Dela Paz Nalica, Iris Ivy M. Gauran, Erniel B. Barrios Abstract Paper Special coxian phase-type distributions discovered for modelling patient length of stay in hospitalAdele H. Marshall Abstract Testing for unimodality in mortality trendsMaria Dolores Ugarte, Cristina Rueda, Ana F. Militino Abstract Paper Estimating relative potency based on multivariate risk/benefit assessmentDaniel Cruz Bonzo Abstract Paper Frequency analysis of heavy-tailed phenomenaYuwei Zhao, Thomas Mikosch Abstract Paper Propensity score matching for multiple treatments comparison in observational studiesYuan Liu, Dana Nickleach, Joseph Lipscomb Abstract Paper An adaptive estimation method for dimension reduction with application to functional response dataHeng-Hui Lue Abstract Performance of robust estimators: Sampling, variables and dimensionsElizabeth Reis, Maria Do Carmo Botelho Abstract Paper
CPS109: Poster spotlight (9)
Estimates for the spatial locations of the indoor objects by radial distributionsToshinari Kamakura, Kosuke Okusa Abstract Paper Automatic interaction detection for longitudinal dataJacky Galpin Abstract Paper Visualization for areal data of suicide in JapanTakafumi Kubota, Makoto Tomita, Fumio Ishioka, Hiroe Tsubaki Abstract Paper Data visualisation and its application in official statisticsOlivia Or Abstract Paper Efficiency of parametric bootstrap Kriging variance estimatorsElmanani Simamora, Subanar, Sri Haryatmi Kartiko Abstract Modeling vague status by fuzzy logistic regression: Application in evaluating the effect of folic acid on child's appetite statusMahshid Namdari, S. Mahmoud Taheri, Alireza Abadi, Mansour Rezaei, Naser Kalantari Abstract Paper Enhancing feature selection with feature maximization metricJean-Charles Lamirel Abstract Paper Functional genome wide association studies using sparse group LassoQing Pan, Tatiyana Apanasovich Abstract An extension of parallel coordinate plot for visualizing aggregated symbolic dataYoshikazu Yamamoto, Junji Nakano Abstract Paper Sample size formulas for non-inferiority clinical trials with time-to-event dataHan Dong, Chen Zheng Abstract Paper Age-specific disease network for the major disease in KoreaLee Tae Rim, Hongseok Kim Abstract
CPS110: Poster spotlight (10)
Economic chromatography analysis method: Innovative theory and method of interdisciplinary research - Based on the reference of statistics to chemistryShibing You, Zhenghua Su, Lili Bao, Bi Wu Abstract Paper Mills ratios of skew-t distribution and their applicationsTingting Li, Yubo Zhang, Xin Liao Abstract Paper Study on the hierarchical difference among credit of rural household, fiscal expenditure and farmer's income in counties of ChinaTao Wen, Xiaohua Wang, Dingxiang Wang, Yuyu Wang, Hongpan Yin Abstract Paper Bayesian sampling plans with interval censoringWanbo Lu, Tzong-Ru Tsai Abstract Paper Researches on methods of revising the historical data of city and county GDPsCaifeng Su Abstract Paper The study on the application of scanner data in the compilation of price indexYawen Liu Abstract Paper Matrix transformation technique based forecast modeling of input-output tableCheng Wang, Huiwen Wang, Haitao Zheng, Haoyun Feng, Wen Long Abstract Paper A study of existing public opinion survey models used by statistic authority - Based on empirical statistic surveys by Beijing Xicheng District GovernmentHuanhui Xia, Qixing Guo, Kunpeng Li Abstract Paper Income inequality: Objective measurement and subjective evaluation - An empirical research based on microdataChao Cai, Li Li, Qi-Fa Xu Abstract Paper Studying on the trend of the ageing population of Lanzhou City and countermeasuresWei Ma, Shengjing Yang Abstract Paper Measure on dependent structure of financial markets under international diversification with application to emerging markets of the BRICLu Wang Abstract Paper Difference analysis of the accounting for accounting income and taxable incomeYun Gao Abstract Paper Comparative study on within-household sampling methods in household surveyPing Lv Abstract Paper
CPS111: Poster spotlight (11)
Research on theoretical innovation and implementation on modern enterprise's statistical functions in ChinaYanming Wang, Zhonghui Wang, Jing Yuan Abstract Paper Crime and corruption: An international empirical studyHuaiyu Zhang Abstract Paper The differences of micro data and macro data used in statistical analysis: C-D production functionWangyue Li, Ting Dai Abstract Paper The application of statistical methods in Chinese Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular ImagingFang Lin, Ya Fang Abstract System dynamic models in the economic evaluation of Human Papillomavirus Vaccine: A review of recent progressXiaobin Song, Ya Fang Abstract An international comparative study on the degree of difficulty of primary school mathematics textbooksKong-Xiu Kuang, Nai-Qing Song, Qing-You Cai Abstract Paper On the true face of the economic statisticsYu Zhu, Xiaoru Chen, Lei Wang Abstract Paper After higher education expansion the college wage premium is increased or decreased?Xu Sun, Ji Luo Abstract Paper Multilevel models for network meta-analysisNing Li, Yaoguang Lao, Siu-Wai Leung Abstract Paper The grey system analysis of energy consumption structure change in Xinjiang in the context of low-carbon economyYue Wang, Han Ke Abstract Paper The comparison of sampling precision under the cost fixed conditionZhiqiang Pang, Lixia Wang Abstract Paper A method for detecting outliers in survey data by ratio testsBangwen Cheng, Hongjin Yang, Linfen Shi, Yali Wang, Ji Xu Abstract Paper The research of intrinsic mechanism of economic development - Empirical analysis of Jiangsu economic developmentRongrong Zhou Abstract Paper Statistical methods applied in physicsBoyuan Zhang Abstract Paper Construction of evaluation model of equilibrium allocation of basic education resources in ChongqingYali Zhu, Naiqing Song Abstract
CPS201: Poster display Day 1
Specifying asymmetric STAR models with linear and nonlinear GARCH innovations: Monte Carlo approachOlaoluwa Simon Yaya Abstract Paper The establishment of Chinese elderly men physique comprehensive evaluation modelShuxiang Zhao Abstract Paper The economic impact of political instability: A case study of Côte d’IvoireJean Stéphane Koffi Abstract Urbanization and poverty reduction interventions: A case study of Kiandutu Slum, KenyaLucy Njeri Kiarie Abstract Paper The old people in Egypt, case study (Ismailia Governorate)Mohamed Hassan Ahmed Talaat Abstract Paper Professional awards in statistics: Chipping away at gender disparities in the USAAmanda L. Golbeck, Craig A. Molgaard Abstract Paper Evaluation of optimal linear discriminant function by 100 fold cross validationShuichi Shinmura Abstract Paper Return of higher education with the backdrop of wage convergenceBoya Lai Abstract Socio-demographic factors associated with contraceptive use among young women in comparison with older women in UgandaJohn Mushomi Atwebembeire, John Bosco Asiimwe, Patricia Ndugga Abstract Paper Economic growth, inequality and poverty in sub-Saharan Africa: The case of Cameroon and the Ivory CoastCyrille Guy Patrick Mepoui A Mpe Abstract Operationalising financial inclusion index as a policy lever: Uttar Pradesh (in India) - A case studyPuneet Verma, Rabi N. Mishra, Sanket Bose Abstract Paper Côte d'Ivoire: Towards education for all in 2015? Analysis of indicators for the monitoring of Ivorian education system progressSeke Kouassi de Syg Abstract Joint modeling of longitudinal CD4 cell count and time-to-default from highly active antiretroviral therapy in HIV/AIDS patients in Ethiopia: A comparison of separate and joint modelsYehenew Getachew Kifle, Awol Seid Abstract Paper Use of the area under a receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve in medical researchSafia Awan Abstract Using LQAS for baseline surveys and regular performance monitoring in health careGertrude Tracy Namutebi Abstract Paper Model-based clustering of time-course RNA-seq dataMan-Kee Maggie Chu, Wenqing He Abstract Paper Designs for the difference between two estimated responses in a trigonometric regression modelShahariar Huda Abstract Use 2D unstructured mesh finite volume method for simulating structural dynamicsYong Zhao, Yao Cao, Xiaohui Su Abstract A new method of detecting the power of misspecified link functions in logistic regression modelShibru Temesgen Wakweya Abstract Estimation of demographic statistics in the Cambodian Socio-Economic Survey (CSES) 2004-2011Pen Socheat Abstract Paper Subjective Bayesian analysis of the elliptical modelJanet Van Niekerk, A. Bekker, M. Arashi, J.J.J. Roux Abstract Paper Small area estimation for the 2011 Population Census of Hong KongJohn Hon Kwan Lam Abstract Paper Sobol's sequence based method for fitting nonlinear mixed effects model: A comparative viewRashedul Hoque, Mahbub A.H.M. Latif Abstract Paper The relationship between housing conditions and house owner's occupation - A study based on the correspondence analysisYuxin Jiao, Ping Jiang Abstract Paper Weight of health expenditures on household income in CameroonJoseph Parfait Owoundi Abstract Semi-parametric Bayesian analysis of binary responses with a continuous covariate subject to non-random missingnessCarlos Daniel Paulino, Frederico Z. Poleto, Julio M. Singer, Geert Molenberghs Abstract Paper The factorial structure of the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students (ASSIST) in Australia: An exploratory factor analysisPetra Graham, Ayse Aysin Bilgin, Tamas Gantner Abstract Probability of default in credit risk based on discrete trinomial structureDi Asih I Maruddani, Dedi Rosadi, Gunardi, Abdurakhman Abstract Paper Study on probability of incidence of disease through point process modelingNurtiti Sunusis, Nurdin Abstract Paper Nonparametric inference for controlled branching processes with deterministic functionInes Maria Del Puerto, Miguel González, Carmen Minuesa Abstract Paper Generalized p-values for comparing regression linesTsai-Yu Lin, Chi-Rong Li Abstract Paper Evaluation on the effect size of rare variants based on genome-wide association studies in WTCCC dataShu-Hui Wen Abstract Paper Statistical data quality control study under the conditions of direct reporting for internal statistics package by networkKeqin Li Abstract Paper Assessing the trade and poverty nexus in the PhilippinesTeresita Lubrico Cadiben, Mary Ann C. Magtulis, Ivan Cassidy F. Villena Abstract Paper Simple visualization techniques and statistical data analysis in prenatal diagnosisPaula Barroso Rolha, Teresa Oliveira, Amílcar Oliveira, Avelino Rolha Abstract Paper Model-based methods for missing data in surveys with post-stratification informationSahar Zohouri Zangeneh, Roderick J.A. Little Abstract Paper A robust uncertainty treatment with bias correction in model calibration for better predictabilityQuanxi Shao, John A. Taylor Abstract
CPS202: Poster display Day 2
On the estimation of a scaled Weibull distribution of rainfall data of south west NigeriaTaofik Oyedele Dauda, Nurain A. Akintoye, Adewale O. Adetayo Abstract A historical note on the Harvard College Observatory Announcement Cards: Elizabeth L. Scott at the intersection of statistics and astronomyDan G. Molgaard, Amanda L. Golbeck Abstract Paper Using the cross sectional survey design to determine knowledge levels in ways of preventing HIV, rejecting major misconceptions and the correct steps on condom use in UgandaAnnet Namunane, Grace Nekesa Abstract Demographic and socio-economic predictors of awareness about condom use in four regions of EthiopiaYonas Kassa Kerago Abstract Paper Academic history and disciplinary development of Chinese statistics of educationCeli Liang Abstract Paper HIV risk behaviours among teachers in UgandaLillian Ayebale, Lynn Atuyambe, William Bazeyo, Erasmus Otolok Tanga Abstract Paper Estimating the resilience of crops to climate change using agricultural statisticsDramane Bako Abstract The shortcut of diagnosis and correction of heteroscedastic model studies based on the software of EviewsTing Shan Song, Siliang Guo Abstract Paper Attitude towards abortion and contraception in Nigerian academic institutionsSamuel Oluwaseun Adeyemo, F.N. Nwobi Abstract Survival analysis of loan repayment rate of customers of Hawassa District Commercial BankCheru Atsmegiorgis Kitabo Abstract Paper Assessing awareness of organizations about millennium development goals and the role of statistics in them: The case of eastern Hararghe, Oromiya, EthiopiaAbdi Mohammed Musse, Adem K. Geleto Abstract Paper Underlying determinants of stunting among under-5 children in Ugandan cattle corridorsGilbert Habaasa Abstract Paper Infant morbidity assessment in South AfricaEvidence Simbarashe Matangi Abstract Paper Research on inclination of migrant workers for urbanization in China from 1989 to 2010Yixiang Huang, Xiaoyang Li, Yunlei Peng, Turki Ghassan Abstract Paper Factors associated with increasing number of street children in KampalaKevin Adikini Abstract Paper A new family of quantiles estimators with P-auxiliary information in successive samplingHulya Cingi, Nursel Koyuncu Abstract Paper Correlates of sanitation coverage among rural households in southern EthiopiaAlehegn Worku Engdaw Abstract Assessing factors affecting breast feeding status among children aged below five years in western UgandaJonan Natamba Abstract Paper Electricity consumption and GDP growth in Hong KongWai Lok Chan, Wai Hung Fan, Lam Li Abstract Paper Willingness-to-pay for improved sanitation among rural communities in Kabarole districtAgaba Francis Abstract Paper Modification of CHF and BIC coefficients for evaluation of clustering with mixed type variablesTomas Löster, Tomas Pavelka Abstract Paper Challenges of improving the statistical literacy and skills in Sri Lanka: Small country experiencesThenuwara Archachige Dharmaratne Abstract Paper Regional disparities of unemployment rates in regions of Slovakia and Czech RepublicSilvia Megyesiová, Vanda Lieskovská Abstract Paper Use of spatial analysis for woman participation in labor marketReem Ismail Elsybaey, Mahmoud Mohamed Elsarawy Abstract Paper Best practices in user participation: Recent experiences at the Brazilian Institute of Geography and StatisticsAndrea Diniz Da Silva, Elizabeth Belo Hypolito, Flavio Pinto Bolliger Abstract Paper Quality of midwifery care provided in Soroti district, UgandaResty Nansubuga Abstract Paper A class of multivariate extreme value distributions with heterogeneous marginsSalvatore Bologna Abstract Paper Statistical power analysis for construct validityWei Chen, Jingfu Zhang Abstract Paper Determinants of utilization of antenatal care offered by health professionals in sub-Saharan Africa. A case study of central UgandaFarouk Ssekisaka Abstract Paper Testing methods of mean difference for longitudinal data based on stationary bootstrapHirohito Sakurai, Masaaki Taguri Abstract Paper Statistical analysis of patient's satisfaction with hospital services: A case study at Shashmene and Hawassa University Referral Hospitals, EthiopiaTariku Tesfaye Haile Abstract Paper Predicting rainfall and drought at least a year in advance in Zimbabwe using climatic determinants (Darwin and Southern Oscillation Indices)Delson Chikobvu, Retius Chifurira Abstract Paper Documentation metatadata of household survey based on DII and DCMI standards (the experience of CAPMAS in this field)Waleed Abdelkhalik Mohammed Abfdan/Ameen Abstract Paper Performance bounds for the distribution-generated universal portfolioChoon Peng Tan Abstract Paper Statistics education exploration in elementary education of mathematicsYangkai Zhang Abstract Completion of a full course of primary schooling among all children everywhere by 2015: A case of sub-Saharan AfricaRobert Wamala Abstract Paper On modeling and estimation of response probabilities when missing data are not missing at randomMichail Sverchkov Abstract Paper Determining the number of clusters in a data set via repeated data clustering into two clustersJerzy Korzeniewski Abstract Outlier robust block bootstrap fitting of linear mixed modelsPayam Mokhtarian Abstract Paper Fractal geometry of a dendrogramFrancisco Casanova-Del-Angel Abstract Paper Generalizations of Tukey distributionsCzeslaw Domanski, Katarzyna Bolonek-Laso? Abstract Paper Estimation of dimension based on certain information criterion in correspondence analysisToru Ogura, Yasunori Fujikoshi Abstract Paper Evaluation of hotspot detection method based on echelon structureFumio Ishioka, Koji Kurihara Abstract Paper The decomposition income inequality according to Fields method and the Shapley value approachRosalba Manna, Regoli Andrea Abstract Synchronized rebasing of price indices in the PhilippinesMadeline Dumaua Cabauatan, Eleanore V. Ramos Abstract Paper
CPS203: Poster display Day 3
Investigation and statistics on status quo of China's selective schools: A perspective from empirical studyLi Tan, Qinqiong Zhang Abstract Management and utilization of health management information system in Busia district, UgandaIrene Nakazzi Abstract The contribution of microfinance institutions to poverty eradication in UgandaAlex Ronald Kagumba, Kateregga Emile Abstract Civil registration and vital statistics system in Egypt challenges and opportunitiesMohamed Galal Eldean Embaby Abstract Paper People with disabilities: Some analyzes of the results of the 2010 Population Census and new challengesPaulo Meira Oliveira Abstract Paper Intergenerational differences in current contraceptive use among currently married women in UgandaSarah Mukisa Wablembo Abstract Technical conversion factors for agricultural statistics: Sank into oblivion? The case of Tanzania livestock statisticsLongin Nsiima, Ugo Pica-Ciamarra, Derek Baker, Gabriel Simbila Abstract Paper Measuring trade in value added for China based on the firm-level dataJinmei Ge, Minxue Gao Abstract Paper An statistical investigation of professional identity of medical studentsHongwei Ruan Abstract Mean value formulae of one-dimensional stationary line-segment processesAlbert K.L. Tsang Abstract Paper Spatial analysis of South African crime dataElsabe Smit Abstract Paper Spatial variations in under-five mortality in South AfricaSulaiman Salau Abstract Paper Development of drinking water and sanitation facilities in Cambodia since 2000 observed in the Cambodia Socio-Economic Survey (CSES)Mao Po Abstract Paper Acceleration and re-start of the alternating least squares algorithm for non-linear principal components analysisMasahiro Kuroda, Yuichi Mori, Masaya Iizuka, Michio Sakakihara Abstract Paper The determinants of time-related underemployment in South AfricaNelson Inocent Mathebula Abstract Paper Dynamics of development in rural communitiesGenelyn Ma Ferry Sarte, Erniel B. Barrios Abstract Paper Preferences in areas of professional performance of young students of statistics close to graduating from the Central University of VenezuelaKaren Elizabeth Tizado, Jhoner L.V. Perdomo Abstract Paper The prediction of teacher's demand in the primary and high schools in ChongqingLi Wang, Shaowei Li Abstract Proposal for evaluation of money laundering and terrorist financing country risk in Latin AmericaJhoner Luis Perdomo, Karen E. Tizado V., Guillermo G. Lara Abstract Paper Use of the method of L-moments of parameter estimation on economic dataDiana Bilkova Abstract Rationality testing of the weights of universities rankingYun Zhuang, Pingsheng Dai Abstract Length frequency analysis: Maximum likelihood estimation of finite mixture model via EM algorithm and Bayesian approachTony Sai-Ho Chung Abstract Paper Bayesian regression analysis of correlates of modern contraceptive method usage: A case study in Hawassa City, EthiopiaHabtamu Kiros Gebreselassie Abstract Paper The business demography of sole proprietorships in JapanMikio Suga, Hiromi Mori, Tamaki Miyauchi, Kozo Miyagawa Abstract Paper Asymptotic properties of some estimators for income inequality measures - A simulation studyAlina Jedrzejczak Abstract Paper Forecasting of short term electricity load demand in Cameroon using semi parametric modelNgamou Tchuana William Abstract Paper Test dimensionality assessment: A general approach based on the use of complementary statistical methodsThierry Rocher, Aurélie Nardy, Maryse Bianco, Pascal Bressoux Abstract Diagnostic and treatment for linear mixed modelsJulio M. Singer, Francisco M.M. Rocha, Juvêncio S. Nobre Abstract Paper Welfare indicators calculated with multiple correspondence techniques from IV the National Survey on Family Budgets of Venezuela 2008-2009José Antonio Ruette, María Eugenia García Fernández Abstract Study of latent classes with welfare indicators obtained from the IV National Survey of Family Budgets 2008-2009 in VenezuelaMaría Eugenia García, Johana Rosaly Valera Puche Abstract A predictive ability based model selection methodEvdokia Xekalaki, Stavros Degiannakis Abstract XKOS: An SKOS extension for statistical classificationsWendy Thomas, Franck Cotton, Richard Cyganiak, R.T.A.M. Grim, Daniel W. Gillman Abstract Paper Sample design for impact evaluation of welfare programs: The Yemen caseCristiano Ferraz, Marcel de Toledo Vieira Abstract Paper Variable selection based on certain information criterion in correspondence analysisTakakazu Sugiyama, T. Ogura, T. Kan, Y. Fujikoshi Abstract Perturbation analysis for similarity based on entropy in a linear subspace methodKuniyoshi Hayashi, Fumio Ishioka, Hiroshi Suito, Koji Kurihara Abstract Paper Imputation of income data with generalized calibration procedure and GB2 law: Illustration with SILC dataEric Andre Graf, Yves Tillé Abstract Paper The reporting of HIV/AIDS deaths in South AfricaGomolemo Teo Abstract Association rule generation and mining approach to concept space for collective documentsKen Nittono Abstract Paper Factors associated with high risk sexual behaviors among youth In Rwanda: A behavioral surveillance surveyMuhammed Semakula Abstract Paper To what extent does age at first marriage influence the vulnerability of young women in regards to reproductive health issuesVivienne Musabe Najjemba, Richard Musabe, Viola Nampeera Abstract Is there a correlation between the increasing mean age of women at childbirth and the declining total fertility rates?Vanda Lieskovská, Silvia Megyesiová Abstract Paper Elementary school teacher's comprehension of graphical representations of dataIoannis Michalis, Evanthis Chatzivasileiou Abstract Paper Statistica Nova - Theory and software of statistical functions mobilesIonel Dorofte, Ionelia Iftimie Abstract Paper Factors which affect the pass rates in South African schools and in AfricaThemba Mhlebi Abstract Paper Use of Çinlar Velocity Fields as a subgrid modelRukiye Kara, Mine Ça?lar Abstract Paper First all-Ukrainian statistical Olympiad: Organization and resultsYakiv Yakovich Karchev, Volodimir L. Karpov Abstract Electricity consumption nexus economic growth: A bounds test approachGildas Mahena Anago Abstract Paper Graphical determination of groups and outliers in distance-based cluster analysisLuis F. Rivera-Galicia Abstract Paper Simultaneous fuzzy clustering with multiple correspondence analysisMasaki Mitsuhiro, Hiroshi Yadohisa Abstract Paper Regression with autocorrelated errors using design-adapted Haar WaveletsElisete Conceicao Quintaneiro Aubin, Rogério F. Porto, Pedro A. Morettin Abstract Multivariate analysis of exogenous variables for blood donation system in some European countries - Logistics approachSebastian Twaróg, Gra?yna Trzpiot, Anna Ojrzy?ska, Jacek Szo?tysek Abstract Paper
CPS204: Poster display Day 4
The demolition rate of residential buildings in IranBanafsheh Najafi Abstract Paper Application of generalized linear mixed models to study the surface activity of scorpionsFernando Casanoves, Mónica F. Nime, Raúl E. Macchiavelli, Camilo I. Mattoni Abstract Spatial aspects of community well-being. Analyzing contextual and individual sources of variation using multilevel modelingWlodzimierz Okrasa Abstract Life-styles: Relationship with the buying behavior and consumption of individualsLiliana Carmen Severino Abstract Paper Modelling and analysis of forest fire data in PortugalGiovani Loiola Da Silva, Maria Inês Dias Abstract Paper Fertility differentials by level of educational attainment in the context of economic crisis and tempo effects in KoreaEunkoo Lee Abstract Paper Statistical challenges in modern economicsWei Luo, Yonghong Zhou Abstract Paper Use of item response theory in the mathematic testShaowei Li, Li Wang Abstract Modeling the distribution of intensity and duration of rainfall data with a polynomial copulaRonald Robert Van Nooijen, Emna Gargouri-Ellouze, Alla G. Kolechkina Abstract Food statistics of Sri Lanka: Issues in a market economyWijitapure Wimalaratana Abstract Paper Investigating outliers detection methods for the Iranian manufacturing establishment survey dataZahra Rezaei Ghahroodi, Taban Baghfalaki, Mojtaba Ganjali Abstract Paper Innovation and productivity in Chinese firms: A micro study of four manufacturing sectorsFeng Zhen Abstract Paper Mapping the prevalence of non-communicable disease in Ghana: 2003-2007Henry Tagoe Abstract The effect of business demography on index numbers calculationRoberto Gismondi Abstract Paper Stages of statistical strategy in mobility household surveys. Challenges addressedMaria Florencia Alvarez Picco, Alicia María Picco, Clyde Charre Abstract Paper The new face of HIV/AIDS: What new information needs to be given to the young peopleViola Nampeera, Vivienne Najjemba, N. Miiro Flavia, Richard Musabe Abstract Search for the best operating conditions of a soft drink bottling process through optimum designs of experimentsMarta Ruggieri, Lucía Noelia Hernández, José A. Pagura, Cristina R. Puigsubirá Abstract Paper Accounting for spatially varying directional effects in spatial covariance structuresJoaquim Henriques Vianna Neto, Alexandra M. Schmidt, Peter Guttorp Abstract Paper Manufacturing sector, natural resources and economic growth in AfricaMarc Luc Akplogan Abstract Paper Trans-border non-institutional economic activities: Multilevel assessment of their impact on community well-being - Case of Poland and neighboring countriesPawel Markocki, Wlodzimierz Okrasa, Marek Cierpial-Wolan Abstract Paper Dynamic study of rural poverty in SenegalLao Guy Kenao Abstract Paper Estimating the efficiency of innovation in banking industryIrina Yakivna Karcheva, Anna T. Karcheva Abstract Measuring perceptions of diarrhoeal disease risk in a climate sensitive environmentMumuni Abu Abstract Compare the evaluating methods of variance of estimate on complex two-phase sampling with different sampling units on each phaseYoung Jin, Sang Eun Lee, Key Il Shin Abstract Paper Developing the innovative ability of the youth by reforming statistical teaching methodsYan Shi Luo Abstract The comparative analysis of competitiveness of human resources of 59 countries and regions based on IMD dataRufei Zhang, Lijun Liu Abstract Paper Fund flows in Hong Kong: A balance of payment's perspectiveWing Hung, Ricky Choi Abstract Paper Analysis of the behavioral mechanisms with structural equation model: Based on experimental study of student's exercise behavior in junior high schoolDaoling Fu Abstract Statistical methods in assessment of the European structural funds impact on standard of living in Poland - Regional approachKamil Kruszy?ski, Waclawa Starzynska Abstract Comparisons between Cigarette Smoking and Alcoholic Drinking Behavior Survey and Global Adult Tobacco Survey in ThailandJason Hsia, Hataichanok Puckcharern Abstract Paper Evaluation of the effect of outliers on the GFI quality adjustment index in structural equation models and proposal of alternative quality indicesLucia Pereira Barroso, Marcelo Angelo Cirillo Abstract Paper A clustering-based test for non-additivity in an unreplicated two-way layoutWaqas Ahmed Malik, Jens Möhring, Hans-Peter Piepho Abstract Approximate Bayesian computation for model choiceAnthony Nicholas Pettitt, Christopher C. Drovandi, Xing Ju Lee Abstract Constraints and restraints in analysis and design of experiments with the roles defined algebraically in detailTadao Shibayama Abstract Paper Automated outlier detection in singular spectrum analysisJacques de Klerk Abstract Paper Comparative health-education output and economic growth in NigeriaTimothy Olabisi Olatayo, Moses C. Ekperiware Abstract Paper Identifying the differentially expressed genes with RNA-Seq dataHuey-Miin Hsueh, Hung-Ting Lu Abstract Paper Statistical disclosure risk assessment in remote analysis systemsBronwyn Loong, Christine M. O'Keefe Abstract Competing risks survival analysis with recurrent eventsCarlos Miguel Martinez Abstract Paper Maximum likelihood estimation for mixtures of skew Student-t-normal distributions through practical EM-type algorithmsTsung-I Lin Abstract Death won't wait: Cancer deaths around birthdays and religious holidaysHolger Leerhoff, Ulrike Rockmann Abstract Paper Inference for multivariate T linear mixed models with damped exponential correlation errorsWan-Lun Wang Abstract Asymptotic variance of sample vector variance of standardized variablesErna Tri Herdiani, Maman A. Djauhari, Saleh A. F., Annisa, Nasrah Sirajang Abstract Paper Towards better statistics on well-being and societal progress - The European framework for measuring progressMarina Signore, Donatella Fazio Abstract Paper Additive hazard model with additive frailty for semi-competing risks dataJinheum Kim, Youn Nam Kim, Chung Mo Nam, Yang-Jin Kim Abstract Paper Nonparametric tilted density function estimatorsHassan Doosti, Peter Hall Abstract Bayesian estimation of the spatial variation of the completeness magnitude for the Venezuelan seismic catalogueRaquel Vasquez, Lelys Bravo de Guenni Abstract Paper Correlation between seismic events and active faults in VenezuelaCarolina Granado, Raquel Vasquez Abstract
CPS205: Poster display Day 5
Are there working children and child labour in Uganda when it's a signatory to the UN convention and having universal primary education?Dorothy Mubuuke, Yovani A.M. Lubaale Abstract Paper Distributional impact of agricultural technology adoption on rice farmers’ expenditure: Case of Nerica in BeninDidier Alia, Aliou Diagne Abstract Paper Multivariate analysis of life-long learning in European countriesKsenija Dumicic Abstract Paper The analysis of the international competitiveness of China's new energy industryDezhi Liu, Rufei Zhang Abstract Paper An analysis on the creativity of university students view of environmental factorsLijun Liu, Rufei Zhang Abstract Paper Application of system dynamics model in control of over-increasing medical care expenditureYanbing Zeng, Ya Fang Abstract Towards a usable set of leading indicators for Hong KongWai Yip William Chow Abstract Paper The power of tail independence tests in extreme value models. An application for stock exchange marketsJustyna Majewska, Gra?yna Trzpiot Abstract Paper Calibration of expansion factors in a multilevel sampling surveyMaria Angelica Ferrandi, Nora Daruich, Sabrina Balbi, Juliana Merello Abstract Paper Analysis of recurrent infections in Danish children diagnosed with cancerLuise Cederkvist Kristiansen, Jeanette F. Winther, Kirsten Frederiksen, Jørgen H. Olsen, Klaus K. Andersen Abstract Measuring and monitoring balance of response setImbi Traat, Nora Roosileht Abstract Paper Inferential tests and modelling of functional trait convergence along environmental gradientsChaitanya Joshi, Paul T. Brown, Daniel C. Laughlin Abstract Paper Intestinal parasite infection amongst preschool-age children in the Democratic Republic of Congo: A multilevel analysisNgianga Ii Kandala, Ho Ming Yuen Abstract Paper Happiness, ideal happiness, and reference pointYoshiaki Takahashi Abstract Calculation and estimation of the variance effective population size when age class sizes fluctuateFredrik Olsson, Ola Hössjer Abstract Multilevel logistic modelling: Issues when working with large datasetsScott Harris, Edith Man Ying Cheng Abstract Paper Semiparametric regression analysis of free air CO2 enrichmentDongwen Luo, P.C.D. Newton, K.R. Tate Abstract Some statistical quantities of random walk simulation on the prime numbers with the twin, cousin and sexy prime numbersRyuichi Sawae, Yoshiyuki Mori, Daisuke Ishii Abstract L-moments based on two-step regression quantilesJan Picek Abstract Recommendations for master's degree programs in statistics and biostatisticsA. John Bailer, Roger Hoerl, David Madigan, Jill Montaquila, Tommy Wright Abstract Paper The undeclared value added due to the value added tax evasion of sole proprietorsIldiko Ritzlne Kazimir Abstract Paper Modeling currency crises in Nigeria: An Application of logit modelSamson Babatunde Omotosho Abstract Paper International merchandise trade statistics - Is there a need for paradigmatic shift?Akos Gerencser Abstract Paper Youth of South Africa: Comparing those in education, training and employment with those who are socially excludedReratile Mathibe, Michael Medupi, Ros Hirschowitz Abstract Paper Quality assurance in the Portuguese Census 2011: The alert indicators systemAlvaro Augusto Rosa, Elizabeth Reis, Paula Vicente Abstract The interest of society - The responsibility of statisticiansTamas Varsanyi Abstract Hypothesis testing in multilevel models with block-invariant covariance matricesYuli Liang, Tatjana Von Rosen, Dietrich Von Rosen Abstract Local influence in two-treatment balanced cross-over designsChengcheng Hao, Dietrich Von Rosen, Tatjana Von Rosen Abstract Access to official statistical micro data at the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia and cooperation with the Slovenian Social Science Data ArchivesIrena Imperl Krizman Abstract Paper What causes hunger in the Philippines?Eleanore Villarias Ramos Abstract Paper Analysis of measurement error models using parametric fractional imputationEmily J. Berg, Jae-Kwang Kim Abstract The marginal and joint influence in nonlinear regressionKarin Stål Abstract Modeling covariate-contingent correlation and tail-dependence with copulasFeng Li Abstract Bayesian versus frequentist estimators for a non-linear mixed effects model : Application to a population pharmacokinetic modelWilfried Noudehouenou Bonou, Philippe Lambert, Astrid Jullion, Marion Bouillon-Pichault, Bruno Boulanger Abstract On the estimation of parameters of variograms of spatial stationary isotropic random processesSourav Das, Tata Subba Rao, Georgi N. Boshnakov Abstract Paper Estimating the parameters of multiple chirp signalsAnanya Lahiri, Debasis Kundu, Amit Mitra Abstract Paper Air passenger forecasting by using a hybrid seasonal decomposition and least squares support vector regression approachGang Xie, Shouyang Wang, Kin Keung Lai Abstract Paper Beyond balanced incomplete block designs: Addressing challenges, connections, applications and RT.A. Oliveira, A. Oliveira, H. Correia Abstract Paper The influence of ratios and combined ratios on the distribution of the product of two independent Gaussian random variablesAmilcar Oliveira, Teresa A. Oliveira, José A. Seijas-Macias Abstract Paper Regional initiative to improve population and social statistics in Asia and the PacificGemma Van Halderen, Sairi Hasbullah Abstract Statistical modelling of the survival of HIV/AIDS patients and identification of early mortality changepoints after initiation of art: A case study at Hawassa University Referral HospitalDenekew Bitew Abstract